
GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry is no longer paying his staff in South Carolina. “As the campaign moves along, tough decisions have to be made in respect to both monetary and time-related resources. Gov. Perry remains committed to competing in the early states and will continue to have a strong presence in Iowa, New Hampshire and South...


The Associated Press has been in Ferguson covering the anniversary of Michael Brown's death and the George Soros-funded out-of-towners leading the "festivities." I'll leave it to others to dissect the wire service's on-the-street reporting during the past several days. What also concerns me is how AP's reports continue to bitterly cling to half-truths and distortions about how Brown died and the nature of the evidence evaluated by the grand jury which refused to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson in his death. Five paragraphs containing such distortions were included in at least three different AP reports this weekend.


The former Texas governor has struggled to raise as much money as some of his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination


Monmouth Poll: Iran got Better End of Nuclear Deal


Nearly a month before the first Republican presidential debate, D.C. Whispers reports were outlining details of a simmering anti-Trump media backlash that was being led by Fox News. What some called unlikely many more are now confirming as truth following the undeniable anti-Trump agenda that was on display during the Fox News moderated GOP presidential …


Jeb Bush’s committed support to Puerto Rico on the issues of statehood and bankruptcy is likely to hurt and not help his


Add Carly Fiorina to the list of the targets of Donald Trump's Twitter outbursts.


Teflon Don: Trump Jumps 7 Points Higher to Commanding Lead over Field in New Post-Debate Poll


The fight to become the Republican presidential candidate has been made all the more interesting because of one woman: Carly Fiorina - who's determined to put Donald Trump in his place. Sophy Ridge reports


According to PolitiFact and Rand Paul.


I suppose it's no use getting angry at Donald Trump for his repugnant and ridiculous antics. He's an impetuous phony with no integrity, and he's just doing what impetuous phonies with no integrity do. It just so happens that he was lucky enough to be born wealthy so he can afford to seek attention...


The animation below flashes between the 1971 National Geographic Arctic ice map, and the current state of the ice reported by the US Navy. As you can see, the ice edge is nearly identical to 1971,...


Imagine if the Koch brothers had financed a group that was regularly disrupting and shutting down events of candidates that they opposed. Does anybody doubt that the Koch connection would come up in the first paragraph, if not the first sentence, of most news stories about such disruptions? Yet somehow, complete silence from the MSM on the connection of George Soros to #BlackLivesMatter even though he is the providing most of the finances to that organization. Also mysterious is how the MSM also fails to note that Hillary Clinton, whom Soros supports, has not had her events disrupted by #SorosMoneyMatters (also known as #BlackLivesMatter).


I have been to several American military cemeteries in Western Europe. They are deeply moving places, because they shelter the bones of Americans who died far from home, defending the freedoms of p...


Elly Maye explains why liberal men make the worst dates. Watch to find out how to spot and avoid them! Learn more about D'Souza here: http://www.dineshdsouza...


There's clearly something more to Donald Trump's ascendancy in Republican primary polls than his novelty.


Left-wing groups have united in an "Astroturf" campaign to create a false impression of support for the Iran deal at town hall meetings.


There was fresh unrest Ferguson, Mo., on the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown's death.


Last night in Cleveland, the 17 declared Republican presidential candidates participated in the first official debates of the 2016 election season. Health care policy was a bone of contention. “How can you run for the Republican nomination and be for single-payer health care?” asked former Texas Gov. Rick Perry of Trump. When Fox anchor Bret Baier later asked Trump to defend his position, Trump responded: “As far as single payer, it works in Canada, it works incredibly well in Scotland.” Here’s why Trump is wrong.


The GOP takes a dangerously hawkish turn on foreign policy.


Claiming a spike in fundraising since Thursday night’s debate, Carly Fiorina threw a punch at Donald Trump while also making an appeal to voters currently inclined to support him.


Even though Donald Trump claimed victory after the first GOP debate based on internet polls, many experts said to wait until more scientific polling numbers were released to make a ...


HBO Real Sports host Bryant Gumbel was interviewed by Charlie Rose on his PBS talk show on Wednesday night. Or you could say Gumbel was simply flattered by Charlie Rose, flattered to the point that Rose lectured Gumbel that he owes the world more of his wonderful voice – read nasty liberal bias and invective, as he offered on NBC and then on CBS – comparing him to a Marlon Brando of newscasting. Rose swore he wasn’t sucking up to Gumbel, which he certainly was, but perhaps he thought he was acknowledging Gumbel’s talent like a man observes a sunrise:


Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on Sunday refused to apologize for a crude attack on a female Fox News journalist that sparked widespread outrage, insisting he was misunderstood.
