Ann Coulter said, on GOP presidential candidates and border security, "if they won't put a wall on the border they're not serious about it"
Embattled ex-IRS official Lois Lerner inquired about auditing a pro-abstinence group with ties to Bristol Palin, the daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, according to a Senate report released o
Mark Levin eviscerated Obama tonight saying there will be war thanks to what he and John Kerry are doing with Iran. He called Obama's speech today 'another Castro-like' speech filled with lies and ...

The state of Florida launched an investigation into the Planned Parenthood abortion business after multiple expose’ videos have caught the abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies. Now, state health department inspectors are reporting their results and they found Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are illegally doing 2nd-trimester abortions.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Those are the kinds [?]

The biggest voting-law case in 60 years, Evenwel v. Abbott, looks as if it could fundamentally transform the political layout of the country. The plaintiffs in are challenging the traditional way of drawing electoral districts, which they argue has been unconstitutionally cutting off the political power of rural and suburban voters for decades.
In Connecticut, the state Democratic party has removed the Jefferson's and Jackson's names from an annual fundraisng dinner.
He may be the first post-policy candidate, building on grass-roots anger over the ineffectiveness and rehearsed talking points of other politicians.
These days, America faces its most troubling threats, both from the outside and the inside. Between terrorist groups like ISIS vowing daily to attack our citizens and our own government seemingly hellbent on infringing on our civil liberties, the American way of life as we know it is in constant ...
While scrolling through Facebook the other day I came across a post that really hit me hard. I have often thought about this but failed to come up with the correct way of expressing it. Matt Walsh ...
Those that argue that Japan surrendered for reasons other than the atomic bomb put forward contradictory arguments. The first is the Japan was already seeking terms for surrender. That is true, but...
the real story here is that a good guy with a gun just stopped a bad guy with a hatchet
The CEO reverses his earlier stance and revises the company’s policy
After inspecting all 16 Planned Parenthood clinics in Florida, the state Agency for Health Care Administration announced Wednesday that three have performed procedures outside the scope of their licenses and one has not kept proper records on disposing fetal remains.
The fate of the Navy commanding officer who fired his personal handgun at an armed assailant on July 16 in Chattanooga, Tenn., remains undecided.

First they came for...

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: full of all the magic and wonders of the Internet.
One reason many Republicans point to is the rise of Donald Trump.
On interest rates, bubbles and Paul Volcker
Reminisce with Reason TV the top five ways Jon Stewart was full of shit. Subscribe: goo.gl/NqjoWI Jon Stewart has been a major cultural and political commentator for the past 16 years. He liked to take down the powerful—at least, when his head wasn’t shoved up Uncle Sam’s ass. As ?The Daily Show? host ends hisRead More
By James Oliphant and Emily Flitter CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Four years ago, only one Republican candidate was consistently hitting the same kind of polling heights among the presidential field that real estate mogul Donald Trump is reaching now. The fact that Romney went on to capture his party’s nomination should be, at the very least, one basic reason why Trump’s recent surge can’t be dismissed as the aberration that so many pundits and party strategists claim it is.
Ten tea party groups are still awaiting approval by the IRS years after they applied for tax-exempt status, Senate investigators revealed Wednesday in a report that recommends the tax agency issue a ban preventing employees who work on nonprofit applications from engaging in political activity.
As Jon Stewart's final Daily Show approaches, the comedian has mercilessly mocked Fox News Channel, even comparing Roger Ailes to Death. It’s almost like he’s daring the network’s chairman and CEO to respond. Now, he has.
Metro police say the 29-year-old man suspected in the attack at an Antioch theater Wednesday had a background of mental health issues.
Former President Bill Clinton encouraged Donald Trump to become more involved in GOP politics in a phone call a few weeks before the "Apprentice" star declared his presidential campaign, The Washington Post reported.
The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's unsecured e-mail account is not just a fact-finding venture -- it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesda...