
I started noticing "Cecil the Lion" trending on Facebook and Twitter at some point yesterday afternoon. By the evening, it was the most popular topic on social media, and stories about the lion were popping up on all of the national news sites. Before I took the time to...


Dana Perino told Megyn Kelly tonight that filmmaker Michael Bay's much-anticipated movie about the Benghazi terror attack could have a negative impact on Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.


Religious liberty is not an indulgence a superior gives to his inferiors, toleration for practices and beliefs he regards as repugnant.


This is even worse than we thought ...


Thomas McCary, 62, opened fire after heated argument with hero Patrick Ewing's sister, Jeaneta Walker.


There has been much discussion in political circles about just who would be allowed on the Republican presidential primary debates. With so many candidates, networks have to make a decision… …Share


The Phi Kappa Phi fraternity members join a UVA dean in suing the magazine for defamation.


More at http://LouderWithCrowder.com! Ex-Planned Parenthood Director, Abby Johnson, reveals gruesome details. Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/scrowd...


Lucky for you, the hearing is now webcast.


It’s Wilson, not Nixon, whom Obama most resembles in his pursuit of the Iran deal.


The American flag disappeared from Reno, Nevada City Hall over the weekend and was apparently replaced with the LGBT flag, according to the Reno Gazette-Journal.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday welcomed news of the impending release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard after 30 years in a US prison. "After decades of effort, Jonathan Pollard will finally be released," Netanyahu's office quoted him as saying. Pollard, a former US Navy intelligence analyst convicted of spying for Israel, will be released on parole on November 21, his lawyers said earlier.


A technician who said she worked for a company that harvested fetal tissue for Planned Parenthood said there’s “incentive to try and get the hard stuff ‘cause you’re going to get more money,” in the latest undercover video targeting the abortion provider.


GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is beating fellow GOP rival – former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush – in his own state, according to a new report by the SaintPetersBlog.


WASHINGTON -- David Daleiden, founder of the Center For Medical Progress (CMP), told conservative talk radio host Sean Hannity Tuesday there are nine more sting-operation videos that reveal Planned Pa


Democratic lawmaker and Obama lackey Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) was indicted on racketeering charges today. Chaka is a staunch supporter ...


The animal right's group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is sounding more like ISIS after it called for the execution of an American dentist who killed a popular lion in Zimbabwe,


The College Democrats of America (CDA) is in turmoil this week, with its president facing impeachment after being accused of pro-Israel allegiances and charged with improper conduct.


On Tuesday the third undercover video of Planned Parenthood’s despicable harvesting practices was released by the Center for Medical Progress. ...


The rise of billionaire party-crasher Donald Trump to the top of the polls has elicited reactions of shock, bewilderment and befuddlement from the establishment. The guardians of the status quo, pa...


Few things in life give liberals more joy than speaking for those who can’t speak for themselves – trees, polar bears, discredited economic doctrines. And sometimes that can even be a good thing.


Liberal writer John McWhorter spotlighted how the anti-racism cause has become a "new religion" during a segment on Tuesday's CNN Tonight. McWhorter underlined that "we have a religion in that, there is scripture; and there are questions you're not supposed to ask; and there is original sin...the scripture says that America is based on racism, and that racism is what America is all about today." He added that "the idea that you're supposed to engage or ask questions...that's considered...heretical....You're racist. You don't get it."


By Stephen Dinan - The Washington TimesThe IRS sent one of its intrusive scrutiny letters to a nonprofit group in order to throw up a smokescreen and prevent the group


Union officials argue minimum wage ordinances that omit unionized workforces – which are common in the US – allow for negotiation of better contracts


The claim hardly holds water since no patients from Planned Parenthood abortion clinics have been shown