Obama talks a big game about bringing down ISIS, but his actions don’t really back up his words. So American veterans have taken matters into their own hands and flown
Guest post by Joe Hoft The Democrat-media complex is working overtime to paint Barack Obama’s time in office as a ...
Donald Trump's so-far durable support in the Republican race for the presidential nomination rests largely on widespread dissatisfaction with Washington, and has been bolstered by his vocal criticism of the country's immigration policies.
It is stuff like this that has Donald Trump in first place, kicking everybody else's back side. And it is stuff like this that is going to see [mc_name name='Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)' chamber='senate' mcid='C001098' ] start rising in the polls. I realize [mc_name name='Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)' chamber='senate' mcid='C001098' ] is a competitor to the other candidates, but if they cannot share the Republican | Read More »
Cheers erupted in the city council meeting room in Irving, Texas, last week as the city passed an ordinance to make sure foreign laws would never replace Americans or Texas laws – but the city’s Muslim activists weren’t happy. Share Tweet That’s because the 5-4 vote supported a proposed state law that was inspired ?
A new lawsuit seeks to make prostitution legal in California.
Yeah, this will work:What began as rumors of state meddling in the food-distribution market in Venezuela were finally confirmed on Monday. The Nicolás Maduro government is compelling the country’s food producers to send up to 100 percent of their output to state-owned distribution centers and stores, in an attempt to solve the nation’s shortage problems.This according to Pablo Baraybar, president of the Venezuelan Food Industry Chamber (CAVIDEA), who explained that the National Agro-Food Superintendency — a governmental entity in charge of managing food distribution in the country — has ordered affiliated firms to send the majority of their products to PDVAL, MERCAL, Bicentenario supermarkets, and other establishments of the state-run network. In Venezuela, the national government manages the distribution of food. It’s the executive, through the ministries, who decides which stores in what part of the country will get the products.Oil-rich Venezuela should be among the strongest and most civilized nations in Latin America, but of course it's not: it's a devolving hellhole of a socialist basket case. Meanwhile, Tim Worstall at Forbes writes to remind the Venezuelans what happened when the Soviets tried the same scheme:My predicted outcome from this is that Venezuela is now one harvest away from serious starvation.The point of this history stuff is to see what didn’t work and then not repeat it. Yet Maduro appears to be selecting the very worst public policies of the past as those that he will impose today. Confiscating the food off the farmers is just going to lead to no farmers and no food.Someone really should tell the President about 1930s Ukraine.But remember: socialism and communism have never really been tried yet!
No sooner did President Obama claim last week the IRS scandal was just a mirage than new evidence emerged to show it was anything but. The conservative group Judicial Watch says documents it obtain...
If Hillary Clinton were a cartoon character, she’d be Snidely Whiplash, forever muttering to herself, “Curses, foiled again.” And she’d be right. The lady in waiting will have to keep waiting. Prob...
Stossel season 2 (2011): episode 13 "Freeloaders" Original date: March 25, 2011 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available ...
Dr. Jerome Corsi joins the show to discuss the political persecution of Obama critic Donald Trump and former Reagan policy advisor Dinesh D'Souza and more. h...
A remarkable transformation is underway in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The birthplace and final resting place of George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson—and once one of the most reliably-red of red states—is being rapidly turned into a progressive stronghold.
At the risk of being called a Rubio-supporting hack (I'm not the former, and the latter is debatable), or in the pocket of Jeb Bush (I wish! Jeb, my paypal accepts donations), I find it very surpri...
Democrats and Republicans are squaring off to win the newcomers’ votes in the key battleground state.
The first episode of the series meets some Brits claiming benefits in the seaside town of Great Yarmouth. With the majority of work in Yarmouth being seasona...
I apologize to my regular readers, but I need to comic book geek out just a little bit. Apparently Ted Cruz named the Rorschach character from the ground-breaking comic series, "Watchmen" as one of...
Isn?t she lovely? From the Daily Mail via Weasel Zippers: If Hillary Clinton runs, and wins the Presidential race in 2016, the Republicans won’t be the only ones with agita. The Secret Service, who have tangled with Hillary since she became First Lady in 1993, will also be quaking in their lace-ups. Hillary has been known to hurl ?
The intended outcome here is two-fold. ♦ #1 Any Inspector General will now have to ask a white house appointed cabinet head for approval to access investigative material; obviously this gives an a...
"I'm sure the murdered baby thinks it's awesome."
Why a legislature can't pass a statute authorizing a governor to be prosecuted for exercising his constitutionally specified veto power. (Not that the Texas Legislature likely intended to do that here.)
Keep track of all the controversies swirling around the Democratic presidential favorite.
Despite predictions that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s incendiary comments on immigrants and POWs, among others, would sink his presidential campaign, Trump has maintained his poll lead and rec