Support for gay marriage among U.S. citizens has dropped six percentage points since their last poll in April.
Union-buster Scott Walker stepped up to the plate at the Family Leadership Summit. Here's the full video of his appearance: How do you think he did? Let us know in the comments!
Hannity's Epic Opening: Obama In His Own Islamic Revisionist Words; Geller Sets Record Straight - 7/17/2015 - http://www.BirtherReport.com - MORE: http://www...
Is the American mainstream media correct about what provokes mad dog killers?
Gawker Media is coming under some well-deserved fire this week for an appalling failure of judgment and basic ethical standards. Despite the site's professed commitment to social justice, it cruelly outed a private citizen, becoming party to a gay extortion racket in the process, for no reason other than its own vile amusement.
DETROIT (AP) — Police in Detroit are searching for men who allegedly robbed two young couples at gunpoint in separate attacks two hours apart and gang-raped the women while forcing the male victims to watch.
Former Schuylkill Center employee holds protest at Roxborough nature center; legal dispute ongoing - This story has been corrected from an earlier version
President Obamas press conference on his Iran deal this week is a case study in just how far journalism has fallen as a profession.
Donald Trump today took lots of shots at John McCain, including––most shockingly––the fact that he was a prisoner of war while serving in Vietnam Trump’s bee...
"On tape, it appears a Planned Parenthood official is admitting to multiple felonies."
Four U.S. Marines, barred from carrying weapons at naval training facilities despite explicit ISIS threats against our military, are dead in Tennessee.
Paul, a U.S. Senator from Kentucky, grew up here in Texas and is one of many Texans in the 2016 GOP presidential primary.
It was the correct ruling, but John Roberts's dissent completely outmatched him.
Anti-LGBT group plans to protest US President Barack Obama in Kenya by asking 5,000 people to march naked
The Washington Post has CLEARED the Chattanooga murderer of charges that he was motivated by ISLAM!!
The Washington Post had to assign THREE whole reporters to a story today in order to make sure that the world knows not to blame Islam for Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez's murderous attack on U.S. Mar...
Conservatives can offer real solutions to young Americans.
The $38 million super PAC supporting Ted Cruz plans to highlight polarizing issues as part of a full-throttle plan to turn out the white evangelical voters that can power him to victory, a new document reveals.
The following was written by Ashley Intartaglia, one of my columnists on ClashDaily.com.
Ted Cruz said Obama's Iran deal would fund the murder of Americans.
HOUSTON, Texas — Today, the Cruz for President campaign released data for the most recent fundraising period. The reports show Ted Cruz ahead of almost all other candidates in several important categories. “Three months ago, if someone had said Ted Cruz would be beating the field in hard money and second only to Jeb Bush in super PAC money, most ?
Radical Islamists, have brought the fight right here to the Red, White and Blue and it's about time we bring it to them. Full force. Let's show them what the...
Edward Kelty, 17, was charged with Attempted 2nd Degree Murder on a Law Enforcement Officer and Resisting Officer With Violence. ...
Wisconsin Professor Sara Goldrick-Rab Thinks Republicans Rig Elections. This woman just will not stop. She has some very wacky views for sure.