
Query: If President Obama's nuke deal with Iran is so wonderful, why do the major parties in Israel oppose it?


I was privileged to attend a private screening of the riveting, eye-opening documentary An Open Secret on Wednesday.


Yesterday a shocking video released by the Center for Medical Progress showed Planned Parenthood?s Medical Director, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discussing their negotiations with a business called Stem Express that purchases aborted babies’ body parts for experimentation.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Dr. Nucatola tells investigators posing as buyers from a human biologics company that Planned Parenthood charges per-specimen for baby [?]


This video was produced by Garrett Humbertson, a Convention of States supporter dedicated to limiting the power of the federal government with a Convention o...


David Geithner, brother of ex-Obama Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, is currently the chief financial officer of Condé Nast. This past weekend, he’d planned to go to Chicago—where he planned to meet a gay porn star and escort for “2-3 hours” at a cost of $2,500.


What is being done to Dinesh D’Souza is an outrage, and all Americans who love freedom should be protesting.


Mollie Hemingway and Charmaine Yoest join Ben on Federalist Radio to explain how Planned Parenthood has been harvesting baby organs and selling them.


Human nature is unchanging, predictable -- and can be dangerous if ignored.


Steven Crowder has come out with a great new video explaining the social justice warrior term 'microaggression'. Watch:


The pool of Republican candidates vying for the White House keeps getting bigger—more than a dozen have announced their candidacies so far.


The latest Fox News national poll finds another reshuffling in the race for the 2016 Republican nomination, as Wisconsin Gov.


Navid Yeasin has sued alleging that his expulsion over tweets insulting his girlfriend violates his free speech.


Thomas Sowell is a Stanford economist who is also an expert on race relations. In this book he discusses why African Americans in the US haven't achieved the...


Senator Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell a introduced the Federal Prisons Accountability Act. The legislation makes the Director of the Bureau of Prisons to be ...


On the 16 July 2015 edition of The Lead, CNN analyst Tom Fuentes was unwilling to conclude that the perpetrator of a mass shooting against servicemen in Chat...


It doesn't look like the suspect in the Chattanooga killings of four Marines was hurting too badly for spare change.


Hillary Clinton may be hoping to make climate change a winning issue in the general election, but it appears as though Team Green is unwilling to let her coast through the primary without facing some tough questions first. Speaking at a town hall–style campaign event in New Hampshire on Thursday,...


To the dismay of many, a new poll shows a near statistical impossibility that Bernie Sanders could win in 2016.


President Barack Obama could sent a celebratory message to Muslims in the United States and around the world on the White House Twitter account.


Freemixing, gays, cinemas...


"[A]llegations of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation necessarily state a claim of discrimination on the basis of sex" barred by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Empl...


After more than eight months of legal wrangling, Douglas County voter Bundy Cobb is feeling vindicated.


I will never forget the cold January morning when my Elementary school gathered the entire student body in our shoddy gymnasium to watch a Space Shuttle launch; the year was 1986, the astronaut Cab...