The Libertarian Party of Canada is in turmoil following the bizarre suspension of Lauren Southern, one of the party's most visible and popular candidates, at the behest of a small group of aggrieved feminist activists.
It’s common for our fellow citizens to sometimes feel aimless, to lack purpose for their lives. Yet no American patriot should lack purpose today. In an era when our kids are seen as the vanguard of the Left’s social revolution, it’s a patriotic act to raise children to understand and respect the Constitution, to comprehend the great truths of American history, and to acquire the psychological toughness that will help them endure the stigma and scorn of the Left.
President Obama is expected to free dozens of nonviolent federal drug convicts, but he will barely dent prison populations that many Democrats and Republicans agree are swollen by excessive sentences.
America isn't getting more liberal or more conservative -- it's getting more libertarian.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: full of all the magic and wonders of the Internet.
Considering Hillary Clinton’s past preference for using private email accounts as secretary of state, it is not unreasonable to ask whether she would condone such practices in the event she won the White House in 2016. For that matter, would she allow other employees of the federal government to do use private email accounts of their …
Donald Trump has stirred up controversy in recent days for claiming “rapists” and “killers” are migrating over the United States’ ...
I have to admit I was very impressed with how deftly Ted Cruz was able to take an anecdote that Glenn Beck had told him before recording this video, and make it into a very clever parable about how...
“Well, Doctor , what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic, if you can keep it.” This week's Independence Day celebrations mark quite the contrast with the modern bureaucratic nanny state, with the all-powerful centralized government we actually have. We'll wave flags symbolizing commonality with our nation's founders who [...]
This will go down as one of Bill Whittle's best monologues as he spends thirteen minutes explaining the real history of the Democratic Party, from the beginning of the 'black Republican Party' (a s...
Perhaps the most enduring legacy of the Declaration of Independence is that it sought to overturn the long abuses and powers of tyrants. It revealed the tr
We all know the story of American independence, don't we? A rugged frontier people became increasingly tired of being ruled by a distant elite. A group calling themselves Patriots were especially unhappy about being taxed by a parliament in which they were unrepresented. When, in 1775, British redcoats tried to repress them, a famous Patriot [...]

Trigger Warning - Generation Hugbox

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Some have called it “political correctness.” I find this phrase overused and meaningless. What we are witnessing is a passive totalitarian control of the public discourse.
Conservatives deny scientific realities; as do liberals (slightly less, maybe)
When Donald Trump announced for President, he made some strong statements about the immigration problems facing our nation.
Download “Amazing Grace” by Condoleezza Rice and Jenny Oaks Baker on iTunes: http://apple.co/1LElsTB All proceeds will be donated to the Wounded Warriors Pro...
Many Americans still retain the American character of not only asserting rights but standing to defend them.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: full of all the magic and wonders of the Internet.
President Ronald Reagan inspiring America!!!
While the Puerto Rico governor has described the debts as "unpayable," even his own treasury secretary says the money is being spent on "other things."
Scott Walker will file paperwork with the Federal Election Commission Thursday to formally become a candidate.
Gay marriage decision: Communist goal realized
Despite the recent Supreme Court ruling upholding ObamaCare subsidies, opponents of the law remain poised to strike a key blow against the health care law in a matter of months.