The House on Thursday voted to advance legislation to give President Barack Obama fast-track authority to negotiate a mammoth Pacific trade deal, reviving the prospects for the President to achieve a key element of his agenda.
According to Salon, every white person in America is responsible for the murderous actions of 21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof who shot and killed nine black Christians at a church during a Bible study Wednesday night in Charleston, South Carolina. Beginning the news day, the leftist and blatantly racist outlet tweeted the following message:  

Rand Paul's New Flat Rate Tax Code

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Senator Rand Paul announced an over $2 trillion tax cut that would repeal the entire IRS tax code—more than 70,000 pages—and replace it with a low, broad-bas...
As Republican Gov. Scott Walker prepares to campaign for president as the man who tamed Wisconsin’s unions, he’s taking on a new labor fight: weakening tenure protections for professors at public colleges and universities. Walker insists that by allowing the University of Wisconsin system Board of Regents, 16 of whose 18 members are appointed...
Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul wants businesses and individuals to pay a federal flat tax of 14.5 percent.
As part of her European tour to promote “Let’s Move,” First Lady Michelle Obama boasted during a visit to Milan that American school children were eating better, thanks to her fight against obesity.
Immediately after the House voted to give President Barack Obama fast track authority Thursday, Rush Limbaugh blasted the GOP's role in passing the deal and working
You used to be called an egalitarian if you thought women deserved the same rights men do and gays should be left alone. Today you're called an "Islamophobe....
Islamists murdered 12 people during the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris in January 2015. Historian Barack Obama lectured America today ...
Wow. Talk about boiling hot. Dana Perino actually accuses co-host Eric Bolling of covering for Donald Trump just to get a spot on his show, Celebrity Apprentice. She made this accusation based on a...
A new Gallup survey has revealed that Americans have approximately twice as much confidence in law enforcement personnel -- 52 percent -- as they do in newspapers -- 24 percent -- and television news -- 21 percent. The telephone poll was conducted June 2-7 and included Gallup's newest survey on confidence in U.S. institutions, which it has updated every year since 1993.

We Don't Serve Gays

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Click here for more videos ► http://bitly.com/dfyMcW This one time Booze Lightyear and I served a gay guy in restaurant we were working at. Immediately after...
The House took a first step toward resuscitating the White House’s trade agenda.
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has issued yet another clarion call to House Republicans urging them to abandon GOP leadership’s desperate ploys to bring Obamatrade back to life and instead vote against Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and stop President Obama from getting even more power in his final years in office.
All you have to do is run the name of their twitter account through twitteraudit.com, and find out how many of their followers are bots and shills.
Gutierrez: GOP has an 'Insatiable Demand for the Destruction of Immigrant Families'
Sen. Rand Paul, a GOP presidential candidate, said Thursday that it is time to “blow up” the current tax code and “start over” with a flat federal tax.
Our nation very much needs fundamental tax reform, so it’s welcome news that Rand Paul is proposing to gut the internal revenue code and replace it with less-destructive policies.

Resistance TV: Church and Politics

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

This is a short video introduction on the relationship between the church and politics.
One of the country’s leading Tea Party organizers is leaving FreedomWorks next month to help run a super PAC for Sen.
Live from the White House. Live coverage of this event has concluded. Drag the counter along the timeline below the stream to replay. The full video will be ...
Brian Williams , the popular NBC News anchor who became embroiled in controversy over false statements he made about his reporting, will no longer be the anchor of the network's evening newscast and will be assigned to handling breaking news on cable network MSNBC, people familiar with the plan said Wednesday night.
A white man walked into Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and opened fire during a Bible study class, killing nine people.

Bob Barr - Hillary vs. Hillary

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

If there is one law of politics the Clintons know better than anyone, it is the power of perception. Their masterful ability to twist, bend, and manipulate the truth -- even something as basic as the word is -- has afforded Americas Power Couple a Teflon-like resistance to scandal and corruption that is the envy of less savvy politicos.