I use the term left-fascist to refer to the anti-speech, anti-intellectual, highly conformist cadre of politically correct brownshirts who populate many college campuses and are now infecting the...
The Clinton administration had bankrupted the intelligence community and refused to let the CIA prioritize anti-terrorism over other major priorities in the late 1990s, leaving the agency stretched too thin in the days ahead of the 2001 terrorist attacks, former Director George J. Tenet said in a 2005 document declassified Friday.
Former President George H.W. Bush is celebrating a low-key birthday at his home on the Maine coast.
On June 13 the US Navy will christen a combat ship after gun control proponent and former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.
Hillary Clinton had one of the worst campaign rollouts in living memory. Her low-key (to the point of inaudibility) announcement video came in the midst of a months-long period of deeply damaging stories about her mania for secrecy (the private email server), which she indulged even at the expense of the law and national security, and her cavalier acceptance of favors in the form of donations to the Clinton Foundation.

There are three key elements to the dominant ideology of the contemporary United States—involving world affairs, economics, and ecology—which can be best understood as forms of fundamentalism.

Senate Republicans are pressing the Obama administration on its newly revealed plans to use a facility initially leased to house employees who would process executive amnesty — currently blocked by a court injunction — as a general immigration service center
This story completely destroys the narrative they’ve worked oh so hard to create....
Atlantic’s Molly Ball: Clinton “Can’t Really Run On Character” (June 7, 2015)

The Iowa Straw Poll is dead

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Republican Party of Iowa voted unanimously to cancel the straw poll.
I've been trying to think through a way of really getting across the point that a $15 an hour minimum wage for the US is really just too high. And I may have found it: a $15 per hour minimum wage would put all workers in the US into the [...]
President Obama surprised members of Congress and fans who gathered at Nationals Stadium for the annual Congressional Baseball tournament with a visit Thursday.
The media cheerleading for Bruce Jenner's debut as Caitlyn Jenner has a lot of us of looking around and wondering if the whole world has gone insane.
The progressive crusaders driving these wars have been dubbed “social justice warriors,” or “SJWs,” by their Internet foes. Some activists on the left proudly embrace the label, crowing that it sa...
House GOP leadership seems to think it will hold another vote on TAA next week, but it’s highly unlikely that enough members from either party would change their votes to support TAA—especially enough Republicans, since TAA is a big government Democratic program—so Obamatrade is technically, not entirely, dead yet.
It looks like Maryland officials have updated their policy to make it clear that kids playing outside unsupervised is legal, after CPS took custody of two children.
The City of Spokane announced Thursday it's investigating whether the president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP violated the city's code of ethics in her application to serve on the citizen police ombudsman commission.
The gloves are off ahead of Friday's vote.
The longtime conservative circus was pay-to-play and rarely predictive
There are several good reasons for those of us who are ardently pro-free trade to oppose fast track authority.
Ted Cruz argued TPA "is not giving the president more authority" Sessions is "not accurate" in some of his claims regarding the TPP
Man Allegedly Goes After Ex-Girlfriend, Kicks In Trailer Door, Gets Shot And Killed
The Hillary scandals are getting so bad that it really does seem like we're making them up, but we're not. The latest is an attempt to solve the mystery behind why the government was so late to des...
The president of the Spokane, Wash. chapter of the NAACP has claimed for years to be part African-American and that she has been targeted in numerous hate crimes. But in fact, 37-year-old Rachel Dolez
The president failed to convince his party of the merits of a sweeping Pacific Rim accord despite months of personal lobbying.