That’s one of several phrases deemed a ‘microaggression’ at faculty leader training sessions initiated by University of California President Janet Napolitano.
Planned Parenthood’s business model depends on keeping poor and minority women away from cheap birth control, which means more and higher abortion revenue.
The Obama playbook isn't a viable strategy for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
What do big city reporters know of fishing anyway?
Lee Siegel is an award-winning critic and an unrepentant leech. After pursuing not one, not two, but three degrees from an Ivy League university, he chose to default on his student loans at taxpayer expense, because he felt that paying them back would have hampered his ambitions of becoming a...
This week, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed a significant drop in the number of Americans identifying as conservative, and a significant rise in the number of Americans identifying as liberal. As the Journal described, "For the first time since 2010, conservatives are no longer a plurality: 38 percent identify as moderates, compared with 33 percent who identify as conservative and 26 percent as liberal." The Journal, like Gallup, attributes the drop in conservative identification to increased allegiance to leftist social positions, particularly among young people and women.
To default on a loan because you do not wish to pay it back is theft, in this case theft from all of us, since the federal government is on the hook for the loans in question.
Former Gov. Deval Patrick’s administration secretly diverted nearly $27 million in public money to off-budget accounts that paid for a $1.35 million trade junket tab, bloated advertising contracts, and a deal with a federally subsidized tourism venture backed by U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, a Herald investigation has found.The maneuver to fatten the hidden “trust”
accounts with millions from state quasi-public agencies allowed Patrick to skirt the state Legislature and evade state budget cutbacks during the recession, the Herald found.
A new global deal could give multinationals even more reason to move overseas.
Graduation ceremonies might still be going on if Dublin schools had asked all of its valedictorians to speak. There were 222 of them. That means two out of every 10 graduates at Dublin’s three high schools received top honors this year. Dublin Scioto had 44 valedictorians, Dublin Jerome had 82, and Dublin Coffman had 96.
In terrorism cases, the broadening of a key law, the splintering of terrorist groups and a shift away from military detention has led to the prosecutions in federal courts.
Most children were exposed by ingesting marijuana -- likely through edible snacks.
Baltimore city state's attorney Marilyn Mosby's motion for a gag order in the Freddie Gray case was denied Monday because the prosecutor filed paperwork in the wrong court. Mosby's May 14 motion, f
Over the past two years, a new political illness has broken out and infected establishment Republicans since Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has risen in prominence.
Until last week, government data on climate change indicated that the Earth has warmed over the last century, but that the warming slowed dramatically and even stopped at points over the last 17 years.
About three weeks before Freddie Gray was chased from a West Baltimore corner by three Baltimore police officers — the start of a fatal encounter — the office of prosecutor Marilyn Mosby asked police to target the intersection with "enhanced" drug enforcement efforts, court documents show.
Turkey's election offers an opportunity for partnership in the fight against terrorism
When it’s released June 23, the new book by bestselling historian Michael Oren is going to be the talk of Washington and Jerusalem — not to mention everywhere people take an interest in the relatio...
President Obama on Monday confirmed the bad news for up to 5 million illegal immigrants in this country: He has called a halt to Department of Homeland Security preparations to shield them from the threat of deportation because his executive orders have become seriously bogged down in a court challenge. Speaking during a news conference at the conclusion of the G7 Summit in the Bavarian town of Kruen, Germany, Obama said that his executive orders will require an elaborate “administrative apparatus” in order to be carried out. The Washington Post reported yesterday that since a federal judge in Texas first blocked the new immigration reform policy in February, DHS has suspended plans to hire as many as 3,100 new employees to implement the president’s executive orders.
Mark Steyn: Senate, White House Evacuations ‘an Appalling Reflection on American Security’
House leaders, confident but not yet certain they have the support to pass sweeping trade legislation, are aiming to bring the package to a floor vote by the end of this week — even as they rush to resolve a last-minute hangup over how to pay for aid to displaced workers. The vote to grant President Barack Obama fast-track authority to negotiate...
In the past few weeks, the numbers of unaccompanied minors and incomplete family units have begun soaring again, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), the organization that represents nearly 17,000 U.S. Border Patrol agents. "This is starting to resemble the summer border surge of 2014," said Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera. He spoke to Breitbart Texas in his role as a NBPC spokesperson and representative.
Ronald Arnold, 24, of Pleasant Ridge, Ohio, stands accused of pushing a female jogger into traffic. According to police, Arnold told his victim, “I hate white
A fundamental difference between the left and right concerns how each assesses public policies. The right asks, "Does it do good?" The left asks a different question.
Why do conservatives always try to make black victims perpetrators and cops victims?