It plays bigger than it is.
An interview with Bat Ye'or, a foremost historian of the Middle East.  Giulio Meotti
The chief complaint from the Sad Puppies campaigners is the atmosphere of political intolerance and cliquishness that prevails in the sci-fi community.
Students at the charter schools, led by Eva S. Moskowitz, outperform their public school peers, but the schools’ methods and culture are not for everyone.
Despite President Obama's efforts to cool the nation's views on illegal immigrants storming over the U.S.-Mexico border, Americans have reached a new level of anger over the issue, with most demanding a more aggressive deportation policy — and reversal of a law that grants citizenship to kids of illegals born in the U.S. A new Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday also finds Americans questioning spending tax dollars on government aid provided to illegal immigrants. A huge 83 percent said that anybody should be required to prove that they are legally allowed to be in the country before receiving local, state or federal government services. RELATED: U.S. signed agreement with Mexico to teach immigrants to unionize
Guest post by Patch Adams (Image screenshot) Climate One founder Greg Dalton and the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) Christiana Figueres, held a discussion in 2013 on the role of women in fighting…
Is nothing sacred anymore?
Gay activists protest the Masterpiece Cakeshop in 2012. Owner Jack Phillips now faces charges for not baking a cake for the gay couple. (Free Republic) Gay marriage was banned by the Colorado constitution in 2006. But this didn’t stop the…
HOUSTON, Texas — About six or seven hundred hardcore conservatives gathered outside the new Houston campaign headquarters for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) last Tuesday, an event at which he showed off his presidential prospects as the first declared candidate for 2016.
For more, go to www.LouderWithCrowder.com! Hitler reacts to being denied a gay wedding cake Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Like me on Fac...
The fraternity at the center of a now-discredited Rolling Stone rape article says the story was defamatory and reckless and they are pursuing legal action against the magazine.
With Obama heading toward a potentially historic meeting with Cuban President Raul Castro this week, Trade and Foreign Investment Minister Rodrigo Malmierca criticized the US leader's limited steps to ease the crippling trade and financial embargo the United States has maintained on Cuba since 1962. After the old Cold War foes announced a historic rapprochement on December 17, Obama loosened several components of the embargo, allowing more travel from the United States to Cuba, raising the limit on cash remittances to the island and easing restrictions on certain kinds of trade, among other measures.
Attkisson: Press Doesn't Hold Dem's Accountable For False Accusations
For more, go to www.LouderWithCrowder.com! Hitler reacts to being denied a gay wedding cake Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Like me on Fac...
Global temperature update: no warming for 18 years 4 months By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Since December 1996 there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1). This month’s RSS temperature –...
The explosion of criticism against Governor Mike Pence and his state, in the aftermath of Indiana passing a state version of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act, is quite telling in several respects. The first is that there’s a great deal of misunderstanding of what the law does, as this editorial in the Wall Street …
The 12,000-word investigation into Rolling Stone magazine’s publication of a bogus story on a gang rape at the University of Virginia has been released.
On Easter evening, Rolling Stone published the results of a long investigation into its blockbuster story of a gang rape on the campus of a major American university that was supposedly a fraternity initiation ritual.
The Wisconsin governor, who envisions competing against candidates named Bush and Clinton, is introducing himself to voters as a product of the Reagan Revolution.
No conservative should ever appear on a progressive media show without calling them out on every presupposition, loaded question, and baited discussion.
Obama: My Promise of Protection 'Should be Sufficient' For Israel

Profits Are Progressive

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Is profit a dirty word? Would the world be better off without them? Or are profits progressive -- the only thing that can move potatoes from Idaho to Manhatt...
As President Obama touted a tentative deal that would lift sanctions on Iran in return for reducing its number of nuclear facilities, left unmentioned were the three American citizens currently held captive by the regime. Jason Rezaian is a Washington Post correspondent who has been held without charges since July. Saeed Abedini is an Idaho pastor who was sentenced to eight years for disturbing national security after his work with churches in the country. Amir Hekmati is a Marine from Michigan who was sentenced for 10 years for aiding a hostile country — the U.S. — after visiting relatives in Iran. Now that Iran has sat at the table next to the United States, working diligently to come to an agreement for a nuclear program, we ask Iran if they still consider the United States a hostile country and if they do not, perhaps it is time they open the prison gates and allow the Red Cross to visit Amir without guard and report on the status of his well-being, his family said, according to the New York Times.

Obama's Eight Year Crash...

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

It was only near the end of the 8-minute plunge that everyone finally understood what was really happening. Only near the end when they began to scream...