Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint meeting of Congress in Washington, D.C. on the morning of Tuesday, March 3. Watch the prime minister’s speech live in the player above.
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi released this awful attack on Benjamin Netanyahu after his historic speech to Congress today. He must have scored a direct hit. Oh, GFY Pelosi. RT @RaeLynnZiegler: What a ....... pic.twitter.com/wXhANHFzlm— Christy Lynn (@ChristyLynnLSU) March 3, 2015…
WE MUST TAKE AMERICA BACK by Steve Vaus http://www.SteveVaus.com
The vast majority of Americans oppose the use of federal tax dollars for abortion.
If our candidates are a reflection of our society, we deserve a Hillary & Jeb race in 2016.
Valerie Jarrett: Obama Too Busy to Watch Netanyahu Speech; Cites 'Let Girls Learn' Initiative
The new California law AB 60, an attempt to license the roughly 1.5 million illegal aliens in the state, has already licensed 110,000 immigrants since going into effect in January.
Ann Coulter will reportedly play Mark Cuban's vice president in Syfy's third installment of "Sharknado."
Clinton fundraising and document scandals are the gifts that keep on giving. In this case, guess who had a secret email account stashed with Benghazi info.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker finished second in the straw poll at CPAC, but he’s the frontrunner in another individual state poll.
--- There are currently 59 known lawsuits (http://www.avoiceformalestudents.com/list-of-lawsuits-against-colleges-and-universities-alleging-due-process-viola...
NEW YORK (AP) – City University of New York is returning thousands of dollars to about 150 immigrant students who live illegally in the U.S. and overpaid for their tuition.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered a nonpartisan speech today in Washington, DC, asking for Congress’s supp.03/03/2015 15:45:09PM EST.

Court rips EPA over FOIA dodge

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

EPA warned to examine failing FOIA standards.

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Political cartoons, humor, jokes, pictures, Obama, Palin and many more from today’s best political cartoonists. Political cartoons are updated daily at Townhall.com ~ March 3, 2015 - 128267
While serving as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton eschewed government e-mail in favor of an account through the private clintonemail.com web domain.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu devastated President Obama’s proposed Iranian nuclear deal in a blockbuster speech before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday. The speech came after weeks of Democrat attempts to swivel attention away from its content and toward the supposed political machinations of Netanyahu; instead, that controversy drove focus to the speech itself, was masterfully laid out the rationale for Israeli opposition to Obama’s “very bad deal.”
The Obama Democrats have a scheme to win elections. They plan to import 5,000,000 non-citizens and credential them as voters who will vote Democratic.
A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997
Rep. Peter King, New York Republican, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, have teamed up to press a new law that would deny the sale of guns and explosives to terrorists — both known and suspected.
Why Obama So Dislikes Netanyahu - Those who do not confront evil resent those who do.
Three years after President Obama promised he would “always have Israel’s back,” it’s clear he meant that Israel should “watch your back.” Obama’s 2012 vow was an election-year ploy that...
On Wednesday, the fate of ObamaCare will again be argued before the Supreme Court. Supporters of the health-care “reforms” are flooding the media with ghoulish predictions of what will happen...