Canada's six-month mission in Iraq comes to a close at the end of March, but Defence Minister Jason Kenney won't say whether Canada's Armed Forces will continue in their fight against ISIS.
White House festivities for Nowruz come amid tense times between the U.S. and Tehran.
Even the opposition rejects the “extraordinary threat” language of Obama’s order.
There are problems with oil, gas and coal, but their benefits for people—and the planet—are beyond dispute, writes Matt Ridley.
There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets.
As drugs for lethal injections grow scarce, states are reverting to earlier methods of execution—and to their flaws.
The Obama administration is abandoning plans to cut the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan to 5,500 by year's end, bowing to military leaders who want to keep more troops, including many into the 2016 fighting season, U.S. officials say.
A group of university professors has signed a letter showing their solidarity with students who tried to ban the American flag at the University of California, Irvine – because they said Old Glory contributes to racism.
Mr. Conservative is the top website for news, political cartoons, breaking news, republican election news, conservative facts and commentary on political elections
The European Parliament voted to declare both same-sex marriage and abortion as fundamental human rights.
TweetTwo white students were barred from a meeting of the Racialized Students’ Collective March 11. First-year journalism students Trevor Hewitt and Julia Knope were told that because they were not victims of racialization, they were not allowed to stay in the meeting room and report on the event. Hewitt and Knope said they made eye...
Most Americans havent forgotten the bald-faced lies the Clintons told about Bills affairs and molestations along with the sheer savagery of the attacks their surrogates launched against these women.
St. Louis held its 46th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade today in downtown St. Louis. The St. Lois Police were right up front in the parade marching and riding police vehicles. The St. Louis crowd gave them a standing ovation.…
If you want to know what Hillary Clinton would be like as president, you’re seeing it right now.
More than 300 people gather in front of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Parliament Hill offices Saturday to show their opposition to Bill C-51, the government’s proposed anti-terrorism legislation....
Have you heard the news? The number of people living in abject poverty—defined as living on less than $1.25 per day—has been halved since 1990. How did that happen? Prof
To my friends in Calgary and across Canada: I apologize on behalf of my fellow Americans for the United States government's actions. Why? Because after years of poring over the engineering, design,...
The senator discussed inequities in the judicial system in remarks at Bowie State University, a historically black college in Maryland.
Even the most casual political observer can recognize that Jeb Bush's family background is at once the biggest strength and the biggest challenge of his anticipated 2016 presidential candidacy. As I've written before, I have severe doubts about Bush's chances as a presidential candidate, despite the resource advantages that come from his last name. It seems to me like it would be suicide, in a change election year, to nominate the brother and son of two former presidents, especially because it would neutralize one of Hillary Clinton's biggest vulnerabilities. And as an American who is proud of our history of breaking away from a monarchy, I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea of having three presidents from the same family. Jonah Goldberg has also weighed in with skepticism about Bush, and Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., for now Bush's main competition in the Republican primaries, clearly sees this as a huge opening.Jeb's a good man, Walker told the Tampa Bay Times. You're not going to hear me speak ill [of him]...I just think voters are going to look at this and say, 'If we're running against Hillary Clinton, we'll need a name from the future — not a name from the past — to win.'
Rudy Giuliani said an "atmosphere of unbalance" was to blame for the outrageous police shooting in Ferguson late Wednesday night. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Barack Obama was to blame for the police shootings in Ferguson because…
U.S. officials said Sunday they will halt operations at the American Embassy and consulates in Saudi Arabia for the next couple of days, in response to “heightened security concerns.”
When Israel is constantly on trial, it is no surprise that Jewish students can only be socially accepted when they join the 'indict-Israel' circus.
It sought to instill in the early republic the principle that an individual’s rights all but disappear in wartime.