A black man shouldn't be forced to bake a cake for a KKK party. A Jew shouldnt be forced to bake a cake for a Nazi shindig.
A new film by conservative filmmaking duo Andrew and Jon Erwin addresses the role of faith in healing racial tensions and promoting civil rights. 
Well, if President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are to be believed, then the preliminary framework accord that the P5+1 struck with Iran was truly historic, and will usher in a new era of peace. Someone may have forgotten to tell Russian President Vladimir Putin that. According to RIA Novosti (and translated …
Barkley: ‘Religious Freedom’ Laws About ‘Rednecks’ Using Bible to Discriminate
Zo really hit this one out of the park, hammering liberals who are distorting the Bible to push their evil homosexual agenda with hard Biblical truth! Watch:

Locked Out of His Own Cockpit

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

One of the first comments on the last thread posed a very perceptive question: 'did we ever have the right, or the means, to stop Iran from building a nuke, short of invasion and 'regime change'?' To the extent that America ever had such a right it was granted by the tacit consent of the 'international community' itself in the aftermath of World War 2 by a planet weary of war.
Are women good, and men bad? How many times have you heard that women are wiser, kinder, more efficient, and just all around superior human beings? A never e...
Let us remember this Easter that Jesus died for those who respect religious liberty, and those who dont. And that Easter reminds us the light is usually at its best when the darkness is on the march.
Though Sen. Elizabeth Warren repeatedly says she is not running for president, she apparently is not discouraging the Draft Warren movement.
This made me laugh at first, but then it got me thinking ...

Christians in the Closet

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Ace points us to this Rod Dreher account of his interview with a "deeply closeted" Christian professor at an "elite law school." It's long, but worth it, if you like that feeling of wanting to punc...
Leading conservative radio talk show host and best-selling author Mark Levin, spoke at the American Legislative Exchange Council meeting in Washington, DC, in December, making the case that now is ...
HELENA, Mont. (Mar. 30, 2015) – A bill that would heavily diminish the effect of federal surplus equipment programs that militarize local police was passed by the Montana Senate today. The vote was...
Don't forget... Obama's economic policy is just as big a failure as his foreign policy. Via Drudge--- RECORD 93,175,000 AMERICANS NOT WORKING... Record 12,202,000 Blacks Not In Labor Force... Record 56,131,000 Women... January, February jobs numbers revised down dramatically... Fed Cuts…
The program for Central American children was inspired by last year's border crisis.
Lena Dunham and Trevor Noah may be comedically challenged, but they’re not bigots.

Recovery or Recession?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The fading impact of artificially low interest rates & QE. Please Like, Share, & Subscribe @AustrianMarkets
A State Department official dismissed a plea Friday from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Iran nuclear agreement include clear recognition of his nation's right to exist, declaring negotiations are only about the nuclear issue.

Questions For Indiana's Critics

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

An attempt to pin down what might come after the current religious liberty debate.
The following is one TR contributor's satire regarding the #BoycottIndiana movement:
Republicans in Indiana and Arkansas bow to beatings of the “tolerant.”
Two years ago in a less turbulent time, Mike Premeau and Kathy Danke launched a small business, Memories Gourmet Pizza Co., in their Wisconsin town. The two were successful in getting their line of frozen pizzas, including breakfast pizzas and gluten-...
In a craven act of betrayal, the Indiana GOP has turned a law protecting religious freedom into a law punishing religious freedom.
O'Reilly: 'It Is Open Season on Christians'
The White House Correspondents' Association, the organization that represents hundreds of reporters who cover the presidency, is crafting an extensive list of press freedom rules that it wants the White House to adhere to — following an incident in which President Obama kept reporters out of a meeting with Mormon leaders. The principle of the full [White House press] pool is so important to us that we're working to address it in a set of written practices we'd like this and future administrations to follow, Association President Christi Parsons said in a statement to the Washington Examiner media desk. We've been working on that document for almost a year now and will have more to say about it when we release it later this spring. RELATED: Press refuses to leave Obama, golfing for 223rd time