Climate change enthusiast Bill Nye appeared on MSNBC, Monday, to lobby the network for more global warming cheerleading and the importance of linking all weather events to the phenomena. Talking to Joy Reid about the cold and snow hitting much of the country, he implored, "...Just say the word climate change. Just, like, 'It could be climate change. It's a possible connection to climate change. Is this evidence of climate change?'" Nye demanded, "Could you just toss that in now and then?" A compliant Reid agreed: "Absolutely."
A federal judge has granted a request by 26 states to temporarily block President Obama's executive action on illegal immigration to allow a lawsuit aimed at permanently stopping the orders to make its way through the courts.
Mike Barnicle: proud member of the Barack Obama "terrible deeds in the name of Christ" school of moral blindness . . . Joe Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe with a protracted and impassioned plea for America—and in particular President Obama—to call out radical Islam by name. Mika Brzezinski was dubious, citing unspecified "difficult times" in the past when presidents used the wrong language. But taking Mika's misgivings a giant step further, Mike Barnicle flatly declared that we can't call radical Islam by name because "we're the Crusaders."
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
Kitzhaber and the Greedy Greens - Energy isn’t the only thing that’s green when you’re pushing the clean-energy agenda.
President Obama has long been a friend of organized labor, wholeheartedly supported in turn by unions that helped boost him to victory in both his presidential campaigns. But increasingly, there now is a divide between unions in the public and private sector when it comes to supporting him.
A piece of pre-Obamacare propaganda reveals the extent of the errors and distortions that fueled the debate and helped get the monstrous legislation passed.
President Theodore Roosevelt said, "Speak softly, and carry a big stick." More than a century later, President Barack Obama speaks loudly (and incessantly) and carries a twig. Like Nero of ancient Rome, Obama fiddles, takes selfies and does Internet interviews while the world burns. Is he trying to distract himself, or us? To use a sports analogy, is he trying to "run out the clock" and leave office before terrorist fires consume us? We have a president who is mismatched to the times in which we live. He is unserious when seriousness is required. The tyrants of the world have taken notice and rightly calculated they can pretty much do what they want without paying a heavy penalty.