Six men detained for more than 12 years at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and then sent to Montevideo have upset Uruguay's government after officials offered them jobs — and they said no.
Many moderate Muslims were invited to this week's White House summit on violent extremism. But one particular invitee raised some eyebrows, as critics pointed out that he had once suggested Israel should be on the "suspect list" for the 9/11 attacks.
Hardly a week passes that we don't learn of another mass execution committed in the Mideast by the medieval Islamist thugs in ISIS. But did you know that Muslims children are being executed in the United States? It must be true because I heard it last night on "The Rachel Maddow Show" and, no, it didn't come from defrocked anchor Brian Williams.
"The good news is it's gonna happen. It's happening."..
Top Ten Things Joe Biden Said At This Moment from February 18, 2015.
George Carlin talking about politically correct and euphemistic language. He goes through great detail and explains many different examples of how euphemisti...
Moscow defense minister inks deals with Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua for joint exercises
It takes a whole heap of incompetence to combine two government agencies, creating a witch’s brew bucket of unflavored suck for 800,000 Obamacare families.
To people on the outside, teaching undergraduates seems like a nice thing that faculty would like to do rather than an overriding priority.
Big cheesehead raises big cheddar in Big Apple

The Unalienable Rights of Man

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Left denies the true origin of our Rights.
Nearly one-third of the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania Law School have criticized a new university procedure for handling sexual-assault cases that they say undermines traditional safeguards for the accused and could lead to wrongful disciplinary actions against Penn students.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES In a surprise move, the Wisconsin Legislature has called an extraordinary session to pass Right to Work legislation that will curb the worst abuses of union power – the power to coerce workers in certain fields into mandatory union membership. The efforts of Scott Walker against the public sector unions and in support of growing GOP numbers in the | Read More »
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly had sharp words for a Thursday report alleging he misled viewers about his time covering the Falklands War. "It's a bunch of lies and a politically motivated hit piece," O'Reilly told TheBlaze by phone Thursday evening, adding, "Everything I have said is absolutely...
Wisconsin governor's NYC visit drew sizable New Jersey wallets.
***Note: In the interest of public information fairness and equality of content on the Internet, and due to the the controversial nature
Many Americans facing a new federal tax penalty for not having health insurance got more time to buy coverage from the Obama administration.
The Obama administration revealed Friday that it sent about 800,000 HealthCare.gov customers a tax form containing the wrong information, and asked them to hold off on filing their 2014 taxes.
Reckless disregard. It’s a phrase in legal writing that means “gross negligence without concern for danger to others.” And it’s a phrase that characterizes much of the attitude toward law of an administration headed by a man sometimes described as a constitutional scholar. The most recent case in point is the decision by federal district judge Andrew Hanen in Texas enjoining the operation of Barack Obama’s order barring prosecution of something like 4 million illegal immigrants. The administration has a plausible legal argument: the president is ordering immigration authorities to exercise discretion, just as a prosecutor does not bring all possible indictments. In his 123-page opinion Judge Hanen disagrees. “The DHS cannot reasonably claim that, under a general delegation to establish enforcement priorities, it can establish a blanket policy of non-enforcement that also awards legal presence and benefits to otherwise removable aliens.”
The government urged the health insurance consumers to hold off on filing their tax returns, and said millions of others would get more time to buy insurance.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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Democratic officials are second-guessing the party's obsession with attacking the Koch brothers, saying it bears some of the blame for last year's devastating election losses as the focus on the conservative billionaires diluted a party message already struggling for clarity.
'The raw data shows cooling since the 1920s'
A panel in North Carolina has recommended closing three academic centers, including a poverty center and one dedicated to social change, sparking outrage among liberals.