
State Says 70-Year-Old Flower Shop Owner Discriminated Against Gay Couple. Here’s How She Responded.
After the fines, “There won’t be anything left.”


LA Times to NRA: It's the government's 'responsibility' to regulate 2nd Amendment.


A Texas border television station reports that 2,000 illegal aliens engaging in a mass riot and setting fires is only a “demonstration.”


A new Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment circulated this month focuses on the threat of right-wing sovereign citizen extremist groups in the U.S. Some law enforcement groups say the threat is equal to, and occasionally greater than, the threat from Islamic extremist groups.


Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate John Bolton revealed on Breitbart News Saturday the launch of The Foundation for American Security and Freedom (FASF).


WI Republicans plan to move forward with right-to-work legislation, and Gov. Scott Walker is on record saying he'll sign it should it pass.


There has been much harrumphing and hand wringing about Rudy Giuliani's comments about Barack Obama not loving this country. The NY Slimes, as usual, went


We get it. The effort to appeal to millennials by trying to appear hip. There’s Michelle Obama’s latest stint dancing with Big Bird in a supermarket on comedian Billy Eichner’s...


Another day, another attack on the integrity of the Harvard-Smithsonian astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon, this time in the New York Times.


In 2008 then Senator Obama called President Bush "unpatriotic" for adding trillions to the national debt. Bush added about four trillion to the debt in eight years after the 9-11 attacks and mortgage crisis. Barack Obama then added the same…


The Founders Put Article 5 in Place to Stop an Out of Control Federal Government - Conservative Byte
The Founders Put Article 5 in Place to Stop an Out of Control Federal Government


A top pro-amnesty leader suggested that Florida Governor Jeb Bush may be better than Hillary Clinton on amnesty issues. Gaby Pacheco, a DREAMer and amnesty advocate who has already influenced the White House on its executive amnesty programs, proclaimed that


What Scott Walker Actually Said - There was more to that dinner than Rudy Giuliani.


In The Wall Street Journal, Nicholas Eberstadt writes that the decline in marriage and the drop in birth rates is world-wide, with potentially dire fallout.


Video - Pres Putin About Cultural Self Preservation of European Tradition, Religion and Race


Ann Coulter said that Democrats were engaging in a double standard by criticizing Rudy Giuliani while calling Republicans racist


The lack of movement and rigid restrictions associated with modern schooling are killing my son's soul.

Retired police officer kills daughters, self in N.Y. suburb: reports
Submitted 10 years ago by Danilo Ramirez • kill police retired
From Yahoo News: Glen Hochman, 52, who retired from the White Plains police force last month, killed two daughters, ages 17 and 13, before killing himself in Harrison, an affluent town about 15 miles northeast of New York City, newspapers and broadcasters reported, citing police sources. Hochman's wife and an older daughter were not home at the time. "The department is shocked and horrified by the news of this unfathomable tragedy," David Chong, White Plains' public safety commissioner, said in a statement. Hochman served 22 years on the White Plains police force, he said.


There are many, many jokes about President Obama, though you wouldn’t know it by the relative and admitted silence of several well-known comedians. Though these folks lack the courage to include the president in their material, thankfully not everyone is afraid of their own shadow. From ObamaforDummies… Enjoy! > Bob: “Did you hear about the Obama …


‘Feminists’ Think Female Students Are Too Scared to Speak in Class? - They want a policy demanding professors call on female students first.


According to reports leaked from the Department of Homeland Security, the real danger to U.S. national security isn't ISIS, but domestic right-wing extremists.


The Supreme Court has been asked to take a case that could deal a crippling blow to the labor movement.


Obama is proof that when blacks elected a black Democrat to the White House based only on his blackness, blacks get ZERO! In the past six years Obama has been president blacks have lost economic ground. The unemployment rate remains in the double digits and since the black president came to town, black wealth came down. Way down!.02/22/2015 0:17:08AM EST.


Obama has opened a conference on countering violent extremism, it is obvious he doesn't understand the problem.