As the bodies lay on the ground in Buffalo, New York Governor Kathy Hochul blamed social media and called for speech restrictions.

Why is Gas so High?

Submitted 1 year ago by ActRight Community

Why is Gas so High?oil leases, fracking, offshore drilling, and the XL pipeline, Biden, Trump exporter, importer, oil, energy

Mr. Unity Goes to Buffalo

Submitted 1 year ago by ActRight Community

President Joe Biden will drop everything he's screwing up in Washington, DC, and travel to Buffalo, New York, today in the wake of the mass shooting at a supermarket in
The British government is slashing the amount of foreign aid money it routes through international organisations such as the United Nations.
Cheney's post marked another milestone in her shift from a center-right lawmaker to a full collaborator in the left's cultural revolution.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation on Monday that will prohibit protesting outside of a residence with the goal of disturbing those who live there.The measure will go into effect later this year on Oct. 1 — under the law, if people engage in a demonstration outside of a residence, authorit...
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation Monday that makes it illegal to protest outside of private homes in the Sunshine State.
Akhil Reed Amar, a constitutional scholar and professor at Yale Law School, thoroughly dismantled many of the left's critiques about the leaked Supreme Court opinion draft on abortion.Two weeks ago, Politico published a leaked opinion draft authored by Justice Samuel Alito. Controversy immediately e...
A left-wing mother recently wrote to an advice columnist for Slate bemoaning the horror of her 17-year-old daughter attending a pro-life rally with her Christian boyfriend — behind the mom's back.Oh, who among us wouldn't have relished being a fly on the wall when the truth came out?Here's what the ...