With Trump himself partly off the stage, it’s becoming safer to re-evaluate the performance of his antagonists in this calamity of a pandemic.
The National Black Power Convention is being held in the Greenwood District this weekend. Organizers are holding a Second Amendment March for Reparations at 4 p. m. on Saturday afternoon and will be walking through downtown Tulsa. Hundreds of people marched to "show support for reparations and justice for Tulsa survivors with an overwhelming show of force. " The group took a break before picking back up at Ben Hill Park.


Submitted 2 years ago by ActRight Community

When does a powerful nation lose its spirit? And after a country’s sense of self goes adrift, can it be recovered? In the twentieth century, the gold standard of drift followed by recovery was Great Britain. More than 700,000 British soldiers were killed during WWI, roughly ten percent of all who served. Following the Treaty of Versailles, the British thought they had put war behind them. Certainly, when Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement in 1938, it seemed to signify that Great Britain has lost its grit.
Vice President Kamala Harris came under fire Saturday for posting a tweet about Memorial Weekend, but without mentioning the significance of the weekend. 
Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis introduced The Stars and Stripes Act of 2021 Friday.
The White House on Friday unveiled a $6 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2022 which would push debt levels to the highest they’ve been since World War II, and Republicans on Capitol Hill are calling the proposal “dead on arrival” in Congress.
Hong Kong’s Security Bureau has warned Hongkongers not to take part in this year’s Tiananmen Massacre vigil on June 4, or commemorative long-distance run this Sunday. “The relevant meetings and procession are unauthorised assemblies. No one should take part in it, or advertise or publicise it, or else he or she may violate the law,” […]
In the real world, Cruella’s would be an unfathomable, serial-killer-esque crime that would get wall-to-wall news coverage of the psychopath who attempted it.
Andy Ngo, a journalist and author who has covered Antifa extensively, was reportedly assaulted overnight in Portland, where rioting and unrest continues even a year after George Floyd's death. Fox
Millionaire actress Cynthia Nixon has attacked stores for trying to stop shoplifters — sparking a massive Twitter backlash against her “moral grandstanding.”
Former President Donald Trump says his replacement had to do "nothing" to keep the U.S. from having problems at the border and with China, the Middle East and North Korea and that President Joe Biden's moves are "destroying our country."
James Woods finishes Psaki off with one picture...
This is an incredibly weird comment.
"I love those barrettes in your hair, man, I'll tell you what, look at her, she looks like she's 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed."
"Infrastructure," Democrats? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
They say it's "beyond reasonable doubt."
Jeff Charles chimes in on the Democrats' failure to establish a 9/11 style commission to investigate the U.S. Capitol Riots.
Last fall, parents at the posh $55,000-per-year Dalton School got wind of their first-graders being taught sex-education lessons that included masturbation. They complained to school administrators…
Vice President Kamala Harris sent a tweet telling Americans to “enjoy the long weekend” and disregard America’s national day of mourning, Memorial day.
Jeff Berardelli, a CBS News meteorologist and "climate specialist," admitted this week that a key metric scientists cite to warn about the dangers of climate change is not rooted in provable science.What is the background?The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published a report in 2018 warni...
"Blue’s Clues & You," which is a Nick Jr. cartoon for young children, recently featured an LGBT pride parade with non-binary animals and a cartoon drag queen to celebrate Pride Month.
12 companies and organizations announce commitments to support economic development in the Northern Triangle, as part of the Call to Action launch In her
The reboot of the classic Nickelodeon children's cartoon "Rugrats" will reimagine one of the characters as an openly lesbian single mother. "Rugrats,"
LeBron James, an often reckless advocate for social and racial equality, was given a pass. Another pass.
A new paper by Thomas Piketty makes the rise of right-wing populism look like a historical inevitability | Graphic detail