George Gascon, the new Soros-backed district attorney in Los Angeles, promised "the lowest level of intervention for the criminal justice system." That quite literally means letting murderers out of prison. In 1991, Howard Elwin Jones was convicted of murdering two teenagers at a party. Jones, a kno...
Thomas Catenacci  A group of realtor organizations asked the Supreme Court to block the federal eviction moratorium…
A recent column in the New York Times drew outrage after suggesting that amid the pandemic-induced shakeup of Americans' social lives, people should "curate" their social circles as the nation gradually moves back toward some semblance of normal life.
Your opinion doesn’t matter—not by itself. No matter how heartfelt or important to you personally, your thoughts about Gaza or legal weed or... by @mekdn
Watching the ongoing battle between the state of Florida and the CDC (and the cruise industry) is…
The company said it would revisit the decision two years from Jan. 7.
Amid rising speculations that former Vice President Mike Pence may be eyeing a 2024 bid, Pence has spoken out on his current relationship with 45th President Donald Trump following the…
Part three of a series: An artificially inflated Covid fatality rate helped Fauci terrorize the nation into accepting unimaginable policies.
The records concern three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who reportedly fell ill in November 2019, and six miners who became sick after entering a bat cave in 2012.
The European Union unveiled plans Thursday for a digital ID wallet that residents could use to access services across the 27-nation bloc, part of a post-pandemic recovery strategy that involves accelerating the shift to an online world.
Barack and Michelle Obama are creating a Netflix animated series designed to "reframe" how children think about government and civic engagement, with musical performances by artists including Adam Lambert, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Janelle Monáe.
Stanford Law School has dropped its hold on the diploma of a student who mocked two Republican lawmakers and a conservative society on campus over the Jan. 6 riot.
The EU announced their plans to introduce a government-controlled "digital identity" for citizens in their post-pandemic "transition".
Protesters in Minneapolis reportedly smashed windows and lit a dumpster on fire Thursday night near a parking garage where an officer fatally shot a suspect wanted for unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon earlier.
The ratings are in, and they’re bad news for CNN: The legacy media network lost nearly one out of every four of its total viewers since last month. Total daytime viewership fell by 22% in May compared to April, and even more (28%) among viewers aged 25-54, the most coveted viewing demographic. Advertisements The number […]
Federal prosecutors, in a plea agreement letter sent to an individual charged in the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, revealed that the incident resulted in about $1.5 million in damages, and the government wants those involved to pay the bill.
As one member of the angry Antifa mob chasing Andy Ngo down a Portland, Ore., street tackled him to the ground just before midnight Friday, the journalist heard more approaching and was left with o…
Three Virginia sheriffs have become Republicans and left the Democrat Party after far-left elements within it have been pushing to defund the police, which only 18% of voters support.
EXCLUSIVE: The oil and gas industry launched a new ad campaign Thursday against North Face to shine a light on the outdoor apparel company's "crazy hypocrisy."
U.S. employers added fewer than expected jobs last month as the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Israel's visiting defense minister said Thursday that it will stay engaged as the U.S. tries to return to a nuclear deal with Iran, sidestepping what's long been an area of open disagreement between the United States and the now-jeopardized government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The TexasGOP is proud to see Constitutional Carry head to the Governor’s desk for signature.
You don’t have to be Jewish to be distressed by the thought that America, under Biden, may be the next Western country Jews flee.
EXCLUSIVE: Former Ukrainian prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko told former Obama State Department official George Kent that he had been “pitched” by a Hunter Biden and Burisma-linked lobbying firm to give him “access” to “high levels” of the Clinton campaign in the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election, according to emails between former Obama State Department officials obtained by Fox News.