Former DHS officials are slamming Biden's touting of a massive amnesty for illegal aliens while illegal aliens pour across the border.
A Texas lawmaker introduced a bill to stop “critical race theory” from being incorporated into schools' curricula in the state.
Vice President Kamala Harris told an audience Thursday just how dark things she felt things were in America when she first took office.
The Reasonable Childhood Independence bills restore basic freedoms to kids and their families.
Biden's speech reached approximately 11.6 million viewers, falling short of Trump's 2020 speech which received 37.2 million viewers.
Shortly after New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) on Thursday announced the Big Apple's economy will be reopened on July 1, Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) mocked the timeline.
Left-wing Atlantic writer and activist Ibram X. Kendi accused Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., of being racist on Thursday, due to what he deemed his "denial" of the country's bigotry.
President Biden’s confused and meandering speech to Congress on Wednesday night bombed worse than the Academic Oscars earlier this week.
President Biden was heckled Thursday by immigration protesters who chanted “Abolish ICE” at a drive-in rally near Atlanta — and he responded by appearing to tease a development on the i…
Sen. Tim Scott, the only black Republican senator, was attacked as an “Uncle Tim” on Twitter after saying “America is not a racist country.”
Fox News host Tucker Carlson slammed MSNBC’s Joy Reid for double-masking in the park despite having the COVID vaccine. According to Carlson, if Reid's
A powerful rebuttal to Joe Biden’s big government agenda.
In order to win in 2024, the Republican Party must let go of its monkey trap peanuts, abortion and guns, attracting millions of Democrats.
Hopes that the rollout of second jabs to all nine priority groups will be achieved by date of step four in Covid roadmap
The Justices punt on California’s sanctions against Texas.
A Minnesota man has been fined $12 million for helping set fire to a police station during a protest last summer following the death of George Floyd.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on Thursday that Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) is the future of the Republican Party, and if Americans want to
President Joe Biden’s “American Families Plan” is yet another bid to reward Democratic interests with yet more cash and government and quasi-government jobs,
Democratic Senator of Arizona Mark Kelly spoke out against President Joe Biden’s lack of discussion about a plan to address the border crisis during his first address to Congress Wednesday night.
The I-Team has been investigating the group's possible connection to recent acts of vandalism, including an incident at the former home of a Derek Chauvin defense witness one week ago.
Republicans call the President's address to Congress 'socialist dreams'
Nothing is stranger than the contemporary American university. Not long ago, Americans used to idolize their universities. Indeed, in science, math,...
The president-elect says universal mask-wearing should bring a "significant reduction" in Covid-19.
Late last week Portland, Ore., Mayor Ted Wheeler took to video to plea for the community’s help to “unmask” antifa. The violence-prone anarchist-fascist group has terrorized Portland...