His 15 minutes were up. Democrats no longer needed her - and she was struggling to get by. Crackpot Psychiatrist is canned. Legal Insurrection reported: Bandy Lee, the psychiatrist who has repeatedly diagnosed Trump as mentally unfit and dangerous, without even ever meeting him, has apparently been fired by Yale University. Too bad. At one
Some low-income families of color in Oakland will soon receive $500 a month in no-strings-attached cash as part of a privately funded program, Mayor Libby Schaaf said in a Tuesday announcement. The…
American mass shooters in 2019 Democrats continue to insist on the ridiculous arguing argument that white males commit the majority of mass shootings in the United States. The left continues to push this with each mass shot. A Wiki page has been created to list all mass shootings in the United States in 2019. The
March 24 (Reuters) - Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on Wednesday signed legislation to abolish the state's death penalty, in line with his pledge to outlaw the death penalty in a state that has executed more prisoners than any other. By Rich McKay During a ceremony at Greensville Correctional Center, where the state houses its death
The Senate confirmed Dr. 'Rachel' Levine, a transgender, as Assistant Secretary of Health on Wednesday in a vote of 52 to 48. Senators RINO Susan Collins (ME) and Lisa Murkowski (AK) joined Democrats in supporting Levine. Levine has a horrible record as Pennsylvania's health secretary. The coronavirus has ravaged nursing homes across the United States
Previously unpublished videos obtained and analyzed by The New York Times reveal new details about how and where Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was attacked on Jan. 6.
As her national profile rises to the point that she was played by Cecily Tyson on Saturday Night Live this week, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s local approval numbers are flagging.
When will Joe Biden be arraigned for breaking fiscal rules? Joe Biden's first order of business was to kill tens of thousands of jobs and freeze billions of dollars set aside to fund Trump's border wall between the United States and Mexico. Biden froze the money in violation of budget rules designed to give Congress
Aaron Blake is a grad of the University of Minnesota. It shows up in his reporting and writing, which is cold, bland, and wrong. Cross-posted from TGP FactCheck Washington Post’s Aaron Blake completely misrepresents Sidney Powell’s court filings, turning them into a false confession that she never believed her claims of voter fraud In fact,
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, left, is offering $500 monthly checks to low income families of color. But with 10,000 white city residents below the poverty line, she's been accused of racism.
North Korea has fired two short-range missiles off of its east coast, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News Wednesday. 
DeSantis took less intrusive approach, Cuomo enforced strict mitigation measures.
Who is really running the country? Joe Biden is giving Kamala Harris responsibility for managing the border crisis, senior administrative officials said on Wednesday. Axios reported: Harris will lead efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) to manage the flow of unaccompanied children and migrant families arriving at the border
The border crisis continues to get worse in California as even the San Diego Convention Center is being used to house illegal immigrants.
SEOUL — North Korea test-fired two short-range cruise missiles over the weekend, South Korean defense officials confirmed Wednesday. The test was the first
One issue with dementia is that decline is not usually linear. Lucid periods can break through moments of obvious cognitive disability
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) blasted the new section 1 electoral reform amendments on Wednesday, saying the bill would ensure Democrats continue to win elections ad nauseam. Calling the bill 'the most dangerous law we have seen in decades,' Cruz told the Senate Rules and Administration Committee that the 'law for the people' should more properly
Video footage allegedly taken in Piedras Negras, Mexico, shows a group of illegal immigrants from Central America raising their hands collectively when asked who among them were trying to sneak into the United States because 'Joe Biden said it would be easy ”. The images were posted on Twitter by Todd Bensman of the Center
How can a nation prevail in an ideological struggle when its leaders believe
Decreasing media contagion could reduce the number of mass shootings, but other public health steps are needed like making it more difficult to obtain guns
The company said that the conservative view was "inexcusable"
The Senate is considering passing an extreme law in the next few days that would threaten the safety of your family. Do you have the courage to take a stand and defend them?