Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley says President Joe Biden's executive order for transgender participation in sports is an "attack on women's rights."
Recent studies show the Republican party is losing voters after the riots on Capitol Hill last month.
Have you ever wondered what a national minimum wage of $15 would do to the U.S. economy? Well, if so, you are in luck because the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) just released a report on this very topic. According to CBO's report, The Budgetary Effects of the Raise the Wage Act of 2021, "If th
The two forms of disapproval — impeachment and censure — are looking less and less distinguishable.
CV NEWS FEED // Prominent lawyer and feminist author Jill Filipovic is warning the public against homeschooling, and pushing for new measures to rein in the rights of “far-right” Christian parents to educate their children differently than public educators would. In a scathing opinion piece, Fili
The Pentagon said the estimated cost for National Guard protection of the U.S. Capitol through March 15 will cost taxpayers a total of $483 million.
'Green jobs' in the German renewables sector have collapsed by 50 per cent in less than a decade. No prizes for guessing where they've gone...
In an endless game of moving goal-posts, some teachers unions are threatening to refuse to return to school until every teacher is vaccinated.
As is often the case with people that devote themselves to supporting Trump. Eventually Trump throws them under the bus. Trump generated a frenzied...
When President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated on Wednesday, Democrats will control the White House, as well as both houses of Congress.
You have to hand to the anti-gun folks. Sometimes their ignorance is so incandescently dumb it glows. Odd, when you consider they’re talking about an
The Congressional-Executive Commission on China, CECC, published its annual report for 2020 last Thursday. The report called for the incoming Biden
Let’s all get acquainted over what a liberal media figure assures us is the latest philosophical crisis: If your driveway is buried under thick snow, and your Trump-supporting neighbor plows it, fo…
No expense should be spared in the battle to defeat COVID-19, but the pandemic should not serve as an excuse for unbridled government bailouts.
China's People's Daily accused America's coronavirus vaccination program of suffering from "long-term structural racism" in a column Monday.
The Republican right thrives on the decay of Washington’s liberal consensus, and that consensus cannot be saved by COVID or social-media bans
Union anger over job losses, inflation worries, likely acquittal undercut new president's clout.
While members on both sides of the congressional aisle are exchanging sharp words in committee rooms and even on the House floor, it is not too late and certainly not too difficult to turn back before we are divided even further.
When I was young, there wasn’t nothing scarier than the Commies. They were out there, waiting to destroy all freedom and destroy all the world in a nuclear holocaust. You know, a real problem -- not like everyone worrying about it getting a couple degrees hotter because of some so-called global warming.Now, we thought we ended Communism in the '80s, ...
If you turned your attention away from the screen for a few seconds during the Super Bowl's commercials, you may have missed a five-second Reddit ad commenting on the recent
With their recent Super Bowl win, residents of Tampa, Florida, have cause to celebrate right now. But not everyone. “I’m
Appearing on Fox & Friends on Monday, a Virginia sheriff blasted the Biden administration for its policy on illegal immigration, saying that President Biden has “effectively and functionally dismantled ICE, basically telling the agents to stand down.”
It is "extremely unlikely" the coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, W.H.O. investigators said as they wrapped up their visit to...
New York Times magazine reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones posted the personal contact information of a reporter on Twitter who was asking her for comment about the newspaper's latest internal drama.
Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.