Queue Jumper AOC Puts Herself First for Covid Vaccine Ahead of Those Who Most Need It, vaccine,
Artificial chicken served in a restaurant for the first time in world
The Robert E. Lee statue and the state’s other statue of George Washington stood for 111 years at the U.S. Capitol.
District officials in San Diego evidently believe that the practice of grading students based on average scores is racist.
Sen. William Ligon, R-White Oak, lead a special subcommittee of the Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee last week “to take the

Mitt Romney Finally Faces Reality

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Of course, his admission came while falsely attacking his own colleagues.
If drug companies had no financial incentives, then there would be no COVID-19 vaccines available.
Ted Cruz blasts article: 'This is INSANE'
Attorney Lin Wood challenged lawyers from Smartmatic USA Corp. to take action against former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell after demanding a retraction

Why You Can’t Cancel Christmas

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

“Christmas is cancelled” is the dreaded phrase that has hung over our obsessive coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic as we enter the holiday season.
Brandon Hasbrouck is an assistant professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law, has written an article in The Nation calling for a new form of reparations based on voting. Featured prom…
Without political leaders and health officials they can trust, the American people will end up deciding for themselves what risks they're willing to take.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has revealed its Davos 2021 Agenda, confirming the unveiling of its self-described Great Reset Initiative.
Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly refused to answer a question from a CNN reporter on Sunday about why she decided to accept a smaller stimulus package now, which she claimed was not nearly enough, after she refused to accept a much larger deal from the Trump administration prior to the election.
Below is my column in the Hill newspaper on the adoption of Trump-like rhetoric and tactics by Democrats, who seem to believe they have a strange type of immunity in the post-Trump world. Here is t…
How long do our politicians get to ignore the results?
President Donald Trump alleged Sunday that "we're getting close and closer," in reference to his ongoing challenges to election results.
A recently released report from Georgia senators studying the Nov. 3 election found evidence of illegal activity carried out by workers at State Farm Arena.
It’s beyond disgraceful that Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza are exploiting the pandemic to forward their war on standards in the public schools. On Friday, they announ…
Former Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Nikki Haley joined the coalition of Republicans campaigning for incumbent GOP Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler as the high-stakes runoff elections quickly
How upside-down is the television “entertainment” industry?  We’ve witnessed late-night comedy morph into unfunny virtue signaling and lecturing, while daytime talkers trying to discuss serious topics, unwittingly utter statements made hilarious by their sheer stupidity. Most recently the View’s Whoopi Goldberg made her pick for United States Surgeon General.  She proudly chooses Joe Biden’s wife, […]
United States of America victims of massive cyberattack
A toy store owner whose business closed for good during the coronavirus pandemic donated her inventory to a charity for kids fighting cancer.