Which leaves the U.S. without a major party even slightly inclined to leave people alone to manage their own affairs.
Jenna Ellis, the attorney for President Trump on tackling election issues in Arizona and other states.
Democrats’ Down-Ballot Woes When is a win not really a win? When the winners had gotten way ahead of themselves with expectations. The Democrats have been reveling in Joe Biden’s seeming v...
Major corporations Nike and Coca-Cola are reportedly pushing back on legislation that would crack down on forced labor in China.
Republican electors are seeking a forensic inspection of the machines
Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Trump appointee and former GOP senator, predicted Biden’s first European trip will be to NATO because he ‘likes to have allies.’
Female soccer goalkeeper Sarah Fuller was used as a fill-in kicker for the men's Vanderbilt football team on Saturday, booting the ball 30 yards in the
Commentary What motivates people? The philosopher Thomas Hobbes thought that, at bottom, there were two things: the desire for ...
America’s largest teachers union says it has been working with Joe Biden as part of his transition team after releasing a “policy playbook” suggesting
Buckminster Fuller, the eccentric architect, inventor and author, once opined, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change things, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” But Fuller, who died in 1983 at the age of 87, didn’t live long enough to see the advent of social media.
WASHINGTON—“America the Beautiful” is this year's Christmas theme at the White House.
The Tactics of Communism, Then and Now Fergus Hodgson, November 23, 2020
ATLANTA,GA – In an unprecedented move Disney will put out one of it’s biggest hitters to try and deliver a win for democrats in the
Left-wing media bias has taken over once-neutral Wikipedia, just as co-founder Larry Sanger lamented earlier this year, according to five studies reviewing the content of the online encyclopedia....
During an interview that aired on Fox News Channel's "Sunday Morning Futures," President Donald Trump attacked the media for its unwillingness to cover stories that could cast Joe Biden's candidacy and his presidential chances in a negative way. | Clips
Voters have chosen the moderate Joe Biden who won the Democratic primaries, but by sending more Republicans to Congress and statehouses, they rejected the radical Joe Biden.
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis appeared before Arizona state lawmakers in a public hearing on Monday. Rudy Giuliani’s first witness at the Arizona hearing on Monday was information warfare officer Retired Army Colonel Phil Waldron. Recall, Colonel Waldron also testified before the Pennsylvania senate majority last […]
Republican state lawmakers in Pennsylvania on Monday introduced a resolution to dispute the results of the 2020 election. ...
Iowa officials have certified a Republican candidate as a six-vote winner for an open seat in the U.S. House, in what is shaping up to be the closest congressional election in decades
NEWARK, DE--The Office of the Pseudo-President has confirmed that Joe Biden was injured tripping over a box of fraudulent ballots in his basement, not while playing with his dog as earlier reported. https://twitter.com/ChrisLeahey1/status/1333222034709512193 Although initial X-rays showed no