A Pennsylvania judge on Wednesday ordered state officials to not certify the results of the 2020 election until ...
An Antifa leader has warned President Trump that if he doesn’t concede by lunchtime on Sunday armed Antifa terrorists will block the roads
SIOUX FALLS — South Dakota's Governor is sure making a name for herself and for South Dakota in a bad way – for her malfeasant response in doing nothing as South Dakota now leads the world in the
A number of churches, public buildings, and monuments were lit up in scarlet Wednesday in protest of Christian persecution.
If only there had been a police officer there to save him. But Black Lives Matter had spent 2020 howling that police officers were racist slave-catching agents of a colonial state who needed to be abolished. Crime skyrocketed and BLM’s racist organizers aren’t immune from the consequences of their policies. A young protest leader known for his energy and optimism amid …
'Our freedom cannot end where people's fear starts'
After spending two years avoiding serious questions about his policy preferences, his team and his prospective presidency, we now know what Joe Biden
After the horrors I’ve witnessed in the online trenches, I would trade places with those who lived under Lincoln in an instant
President Donald Trump will likely become the first president since Jimmy Carter to not send American forces into a new conflict once he leaves office, Newsweek reports. Trump's recently-appointed...
Public health officials in Los Angeles County ordered a ban on outdoor dining on Tuesday. The prohibition becomes effective at...
MSNBC "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough on Wednesday praised President Donald Trump, who he has repeatedly criticized throughout the president's time in office, for his Operation Warp Speed amid the coronavirus pandemic. Operation Warp Speed is a fast-tracked effort to find a vaccine for the virus in record time. | Clips
India ban more Chinese apps and China Criticize | Flash News
Denver Mayor Michael has told people to avoid travel in order to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, which is at record levels in the city.
Republican State Rep. Christy Stutzman announced that she is resigning from her seat only three weeks after her re-election, according to The Washington Times.
A new president would arguably bring with it a crowd of Wall Street executives vying for access to the White House and even a spot in the administration.
Keeping people from their suffering loved ones does not safeguard them. It subjects them to different kinds of suffering for which there may be no recovery.
Expecting less from someone based on his or her race used to be called bigotry. Condescension toward black students hardly qualifies as ‘anti-racism.'
Claims of illegal ballots being cast in Nevada will have their day in Court.
Despite the media's best attempts to deny Trump his due credit, this is still his Presidency and this is still his economy.
Despite his labor-left agenda, Biden did not do especially well with organized labor.

Who Really Runs The Drudge Report?

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The Drudge Report has become a conformist shadow of its formerly bratty, oppositional self. Why?
Inspector general concluded in 2015 that Alejandro Mayorkas' interventions in Democrat-connected cases violated department policies after 15 whistleblowers complained. 
California prosecutors say they’ve uncovered a massive scam that allowed convicted killer Scott Peterson and other death row inmates to receive coronavirus unemployment benefits administered …
The amendments would expand abortion after fetal viability and erase parental-consent requirements for minors seeking abortions.