Here are ten reasons why we shouldn't be surprised that radical left-wing extremists are doxxing members of the Trump administration.
Will he run again, relaunch his TV career, or make retirement great again at his golf resorts?
The Allegheny County Board Of Elections voted on Tuesday to count more than 2,300 ballots that do not have dates on the outer envelope, according to
"It's irresponsible to stall as the pandemic rages on!" Or something.
Black folks shouldn’t raise their expectations of a Biden presidency.
On Saturday evening, presidential frontrunner Joe Biden — who doesn't actually become president-elect until vote counts are certified — gave a preliminary
The Mayflower Compact, signed 400 years ago this week, helped lay a foundation for America’s commitment to government by consent of the governed.
The county is experiencing a surge of new cases and higher transmission rates. Many significant outbreaks of the virus have occurred in workplaces, from food processing plants to apparel companies.
Positive rights run into some pretty obvious problems if you think about them for a minute.
Recently, I saw on Twitter that AOC wants a list of Trump supporters, and so does Antifa. What will they do with it? They will cancel and harass conservatives.
A USPS whistleblower demanded Tuesday night that The Washington Post retract a story that suggested he 'recanted' his claims regarding directions he was given by his Erie, PA postmaster to backdate ballots mailed after Election Day.
The Good Eats star revealed his political leanings in a tweet on Monday, writing that he has voted Republican most of his life and is a conservative.
Countering a House Democrat claim that a Postal Service whistleblower has recanted testimony that a supervisor ordered the backdating of mail ballots in Pennyslvania, Project Veritas is promising the release of audio recordings.
New York Times' tech writer Kevin Roose attacked Facebook for allowing 100 percent accurate stories to rise to "the 10 most-engaged
You keep hearing from MSM there's no evidence of widespread fraud. But we pose a challenge to our Biden-supporting friends.
Time to pardon Michael Flynn.
Kayleigh McEnany late Tuesday announced 234 pages of what she said were sworn affidavits alleging election irregularities in a county in Michigan.
Progressives said they are “afraid” of a future in which Biden attempts to work across the aisle with Mitch McConnell to no effect.
Joe Biden is not getting top-level national security information until the General Services Administration ascertains that he officially defeated President Donald Trump, the office of Director of National Intelligence...
The Trump campaign isn’t quite done, but the lawsuits are coming to an end.
Senate Democrats are urging top negotiators on a mammoth defense bill to keep a plan requiring that Confederate-named bases be renamed in the final agreement. 
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting.
Of the 129 late ballots with Nov. 3 postmarks, only two were processed at Erie postal facility.
MSNBC has split with two more on-air contributors who will work with Joe Biden’s White House transition team, a report said Tuesday. Barbara McQuade, a legal analyst for the cable network, an…