Read the transcript: Kamala Harris spoke of unity ahead of introducing President-elect Joe Biden in Wilmington, Delaware, on Saturday night.
Wayne Allyn Root, Mr. President, there's only one way to win this now. You need proof. Hard evidence. And witnesses who participated in the robbery. You need to create a new reality show, "W
Beth Baumann, The Board of Elections Director in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Tom Freitag, admitted to Project Veritas that a poll worker violated state and federal law when spoiled ballots were thrown


Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The magic of the Internet
For those of you that might have tuned in and did not see Fox News' "Justice" with Judge Jeanine Pirro on Saturday night, sources told Newsmax the show was suspended over a spat on the network's coverage of President Donald Trump.
Donald Trump tweeted about a press conference at a Four Seasons in Philadelphia, but it turned out to be the Four Seasons Total Landscaping business.
The campaign raised over $200,000 and suggested voter fraud in battleground states without providing evidence. Many viral claims of voter fraud have been debunked this week.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced her campaign to be reelected Speaker of the United States House of Representatives despite losing seats against one of the least popular presidents in history. Th…
Michelle Steel’s lead over Rep. Harley Rouda (D-Laguna Beach) widened Thursday, signaling a possible Republican flip of the 48th Congressional District.
Health care workers would receive the first round of vaccinations under plan created by the state
Joe Biden issued a call for "unity" Saturday evening after a bruising campaign in which he compared Trump to Nazis, including Hitler.
Republican Mark Robinson will be North Carolina's first Black lieutenant governor, according to projections from the Associated Press.
President Donald Trump's reelection campaign will launch a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to challenge ballots counting that has been done without Republican poll watchers.
Lizzo’s latest Tik-Tok videos about the 2020 election is relatable to most, if not all of us.
Mexico president says he wants to be prudent.
On Saturday night, Fox News correspondent John Roberts highlighted numerous new legal actions that President Donald Trump's re-election campaign is taking
President Trump released a statement Friday as the vote count continues in key battleground states across the country; telling the American people “I will never give up fighting for you and our nation.” Statement from President Trump: "I will never give up fighting for you and our nation" pic.twitter.com/VCg0Za0m83 — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 6, […]
Joe Biden intends to bring back the Obama era phone and pen approach with a flurry of executive orders.
As you're probably aware, some late ballot counting in Arizona has been slowly chipping away at Biden's narrowing lead over President Trump. At the time of this writing, Biden's lead
President-elect Joe Biden plans to issue executive orders reversing a number of President Trump’s policies as soon as he takes office,
With President Trump’s chances of staying in the White House dwindling, the Republican party potentially faces a vacuum as it works out who might be the GOP’s new leader and standard be…
Washington • Burgess Owens’ conversion to the Republican Party came after playing a decade of professional football, watching the rise of Ronald Reagan and yearning to start his own business.