Disney has drawn a backlash for its indifference to religious freedom and human rights, cozying up to the Chinese Communist Party and filming parts of its new live action blockbuster Mulan in a city that incarcerates Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities.
ABC's "The View" co-host Joy Behar on Tuesday said that the Electoral College should be changed "as soon as possible" amid her fear that President Trump "could pull off" a victory over Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
A conservative student organization has flagged a quiz at Vanderbilt University where students were asked “Was the Constitution designed to perpetuate white supremacy and protect the institution of…
Students didn’t ‘feel comfortable’ sitting near the murals, administrator said.
Hizzoner sounded a triumphant note Tuesday in spite of 23 shootings over the weekend.
A 12-year-old boy in Colorado named Isaiah Elliott briefly showed a toy BB gun on-screen during his "distance learning" online class.
In an event in Wisconsin Monday evening, Kamala Harris was invited to take some questions from the press and she and her staff went into CODE RED and bounced up outta there:
Authorities in Utah are investigating the shooting of a 13-year-old with autism by police in the Salt Lake City area. Police said they were called to a home in Glendale Friday night with a report of a boy who had threatened people with a weapon. The young man reportedly ran and was shot by an officer after being pursued by…
Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse called for the repeal of the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in an op-ed published by The Wall Street Journal.
Left-leaning activism powerhouse MoveOn.org, along with some of the nation’s largest teachers’ unions, are warning Democrats of “mass unrest” and possible “right-wing violence” if President Donald Trump loses the presidential election to former Vice President Joe Biden in November, even going so far as to issue a memo to Democrat groups with suggestions on how […]
It looks like gun sales are through the roof. It seems like not only is there a 6-month waiting list for some firearms but prices have doubled and in some cases tripled. But what could possibly have caused guns to fly off the shelves faster than a 12-pack of toilet paper? Since Donald Trump is t
Police not attacking protestors who are not creating mayhem completely baffles a seasoned political reporter.
It’s time for BLM 101, Volume 7. As you know, this online class is dedicated to educating professional athletes on the real agenda and impact of the
Portland police arrested dozens of rioters in the city over last weekend's protests, which were dominated by Antifa activity.
An effort to put Colin Kaepernick in the Pro Football Hall of Fame is getting support on the pages of USA Today.
Democrats are “playing politics with people's lives” by “sowing doubt” about a coronavirus vaccine, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday.
Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold threatened to refer President Trump for prosecution after he seemed to suggest that North Carolinians try to vote two ways in the November election. 
What message does this send?
A Black Lives Matter protester harassed a black McDonald's manager after he and his group of masked leftists stormed the restaurant.
In late July, Americans across the country received unsolicited seeds from China in the mail. State and federal agencies advised against planting them. But you know Americans. Lots of them planted the seeds anyway. “According to documents obtained by Motherboard from state departments of agriculture, at least hundreds, perhaps thousands of Americans planted the seeds,”…
This November, Florida’s voters will select yes or no to a ballot initiative that would open the state’s primary elections to all voters, not just members of specific political parties. But while supporters of Amendment 3 feel the measure would give more power to Florida’s growing number of independent voters, detractors say it could cause... Read more »
LONDON (AP) — TikTok says it's working to remove videos of a man apparently taking his own life and banning users that keep trying to spread the clips on the popular social media...
on’t you just love Paul Krugman? One of loudest of the many anti-Trump hysterics employed by the New York Times, the former economist has been a reliable source of comedy at least since election night 2016. Once the worst was certain and the world learned that Donald Trump had indeed been elected president of the …
New book shows how Lt. Col. Alex Vindman was the real instigator of the Ukraine investigation that formed the pretext for Democrats' impeachment of President Trump.