Michael Forest Reinoehl was killed when federal authorities attempted to arrest him in connection with the fatal shooting of a conservative activist in Portland.
Reinoehl, in his vehicle, “pulled a gun on law enforcement and was shot and killed by members of the task force" Thursday night.
Restrictions on cops' power are imperfect, but they are much more developed and effective than those left-wing rioters and militants impose on themselves.
When Biden actually agrees to an interview or offers to take questions, most reporters simply ask leading, softball questions.
Tsering Woeser has bravely published a new book of photographs, 'Forbidden Memory,' that provides historical documentation of Chinese oppression in Tibet.
So, you say you're not racist, eh? Think again. Racism is bad, but you know what's worse than racism? Secret racism. Many of us who go about our lives thinking we don't hate people for their race are actually secret racists. The racism is just below the surface, simmering like a stew in a Crockpot.It's time to check yourself, educate yourself, …
Real socialism killed millions of people in the 20th Century, and has continued to kill thousands in the modern day. Don't forget that!
This whole ‘story’ about Trump disrespecting dead American troops in France is a ridiculous stretch, even for The Atlantic. When will these media types realize THEY are helping re-elect…
The Biden campaign has apparently been caught red-handed giving out scripted questions at a community meeting in Kenosha.
Trump's national security adviser says Palestinians have 'unique opportunity' for peace, jabs 'Marxist-Leninist revolutionary struggle mentality' of Palestinian leaders
In August, 1,500 gym owners across New York State filed a class action lawsuit that resulted in gyms reopening on Wednesday at 33% capacity.
A pile of USPS mail was found in the parking lot of 7Q Spa Laser & Aesthetics in Glendale Thursday morning and police say it’s not an isolated incident. Surveillance video captured the mo…
TRENTON — The Mercer County Republican chairwoman has called for a federal investigation into why Black Lives Matter "political propaganda" was posted on what she contends is supposed to be
The Atlantic is still operating under the guise of anonymous sourcing.
Last week marks a decrease of 130,000 new claims from the prior week’s 1.011 million initial claims. 
California lawmakers passed an LGBT-rights bill that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a "willing" minor child.
As the economy and jobs remain a top issue in this election year, the latest numbers from the government today show a clear improvement in the jobs picture.
The unemployment rate fell almost two points for the month of August, more than a full point lower than was predicted.
Trump wants to pull funding from Stars and Stripes, a newspaper for American troops that began in the Civil War and has been serving our soldiers.
The Trump administration is walking a tightrope on the WHO.
President Donald Trump on Thursday strongly denied a magazine report saying he had called fallen U.S. military personnel buried in Europe "losers" and declined to visit an American cemetery during a trip to France because he thought it unimportant.
Mercer County, Pennsylvania Attending the annual Civil War reenactment here this past weekend, I half-expected a mob of crazed progressives...
Twitter has locked the account of another member of the legal team of Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year old who is facing murder charges after killing two members of a mob of rioters that attacked him in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Joe Biden lamented the fact that American schools teach that a white man invented the light bulb while meeting with residents of Kenosha. 