Tuesday, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel weighed in on Democrats and the media such as The New York Times urging presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden not to debate. | Clips
Years before Trump’s election the media dramatically increased coverage of racism and embraced new theories of racial consciousness that set the stage for the latest unrest
Five protesters who say they’ve taken part in several Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Seattle are suing the city, claiming that the Seattle Police Department’s aggressive crowd control measures have forced them to purchase expensive protective gear, essentially “pricing” them out of exercising their First Amendment rights. The suit, filed Monday, is the latest in […]
John Lott’s latest is a handbook of useful numbers.
An Arizona State University professor who posted on Twitter for years about social justice issues and recently detailed her fight with COVID-19 was said to have died last week — but she actua…
WNBA players on the Atlanta Dream squad, which is co-owned by Sen. Kelly Loeffler, showed up to their Tuesday game wearing t-shirts promoting the Georgia lawmaker’s Democratic challenger. The state…
Portland's Northwest Film Center pulls film from summer drive-in schedule after critics say it promotes "school-to-prison pipeline."
South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem praised the people of her state for working with her administration to both keep the coronavirus largely at bay, while preserving the state's economy and employment levels.
Some Antifa members decided to make their way into a Seattle suburb. They were headed to the home of the city’s police chief. They were met by local residents who were armed and turned them away. Q13 FOX News reports: Protesters show up at Seattle police chief’s home in Snohomish County A group of about…
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Charities USA said the Trump administration should withdraw its proposed rule to replace the Obama administration's 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation because the new rule "undermines efforts to promote fair housing and human dignity."
What’s Happening: Donald Trump ran for president in 2016 on the promise of making America safe. He also said he would be the “law and order” president, a motto that Democrats don’t seem to appreciate. Has President Trump kept his word? Donald did stick firmly to his agenda to defend the nation’s borders. But from the very start, Democrats have tried to undermine
What’s Happening: With the November election just months away, Democrats are working overtime to find new ways to get more people to vote. They have mounted new crusades, recently, to get people to vote who have traditionally been disqualified. In Florida, there was a situation that would allow nearly 1 million felons to register to vote. These felons have finished their sentences,
Seven months ago Merdan Ghappar disappeared in Xinjiang. Then his family started getting messages.
Tasking two more US Attorneys to probe various aspects of the Obama Administration and the Special Counsel's Office likely means Attorney General Barr expects John Durham to not be available.
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On Friday, July 31, in a column ostensibly dealing with health care “misinformation,” Washington Post media critic Margaret Sullivan opened by lambasting “fringe doctors spouting dangerous...
Of the many things that have come to light during the "pandemic", one is the mental instability of some adults involved in our education system. Numerous stories of teachers committing violence under the disguise of ANTIFA, some rioting with Black Lives Matter, and others harassing people as CV-19 "Social Justice Warriors". Why, because they are...
Just before Twitter started firing out messages about a ‘bomb’ in Beirut, our cleaner rang us in tears, shaking, telling…
SODEV, another pollster, found that 60.5% of youths supporting Erdoğan said they would prefer to live in Christian Switzerland with half the salary they would have earned in Muslim Saudi Arabia. "These kind of social engineering efforts targeting the
The World Health Organization on Monday declared that the coronavirus did not necessarily jump from animals into humans in Wuhan, China.
Dr. Ben Carson said on Monday that science should guide decisions of reopening the country’s schools in the wake of the coronavirus.
Two Planned Parenthood facilities in Texas say they will keep the PPP funds they were ordered to return by the Small Business Administration.
Eight months after first emerging from China, the coronavirus continues to spread across the globe at a relentless pace, sparking outbreaks where there largely were none and resurfacing in countries that fought off earlier waves.
The figures are causing alarm in the ritzy Manhattan neighborhood, where residents boast an average annual income of $322,400.