Dr. Anthony Fauci shrugged off Donald Trump's attacks against him in light of the president's new tweetstorm against his medical recommendations regarding the coronavirus pandemic.
The theoretical case for government mask mandates has to be weighed against the reality of their enforcement.
U.S.—Trump tweeted out that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" Monday, prompting social media sites to flag as "dangerous medical misinformation."The controversial medical advice was pulled by Twitter, Facebook, and Google right away. The sites censored and pulled the post and alerted users that the information shared by Trump was …
Last week was the end of an era by at least one measure. CEO Bob Swan of Intel Corporation suggested...
On Monday, Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson opened his show with a warning about political violence, which he described as short-circuits the American system of governance and undermines democracy. | Clips
Milwaukee police have released photos of a suspect in the shooting death last week of a Rastafarian community fixture who was a supporter of President Trump's.
A declassified report from the Senate Intelligence Committee released on Wednesday revealed internal conversations about the notorious Steele dossier between the FBI and CIA.
The appearance by the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google before the House Judiciary antitrust subcommittee on Wednesday could be a defining moment.
The news media's narrative of a fascist Donald Trump using secret police is dangerous nonsense.
Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan slammed the Democratic operation within the FBI to execute a deep-state coup and dispelled the myth of "peaceful protests."
New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared Wednesday his state's Department of Health would be launching an investigation into a Chainsmokers concert.
Loans to Kodak will allow the United States to produce 25 percent of the ingredients needed for pharmaceutical production.
Michael Shellenerger makes a good case for a hopeful, pragmatic, populist environmentalism.
The COVID-19 crisis accelerated the confrontation between the U.S. and People’s Republic of China. So far the challenge is more...
OPINION President Trump promised that legal immigrants are welcomed into our great country but illegals will be removed and deported!
So about those Trump/Biden polls...
Trump Jr. retweeted a COVID-19 conspiracy theory video.
The United States finally has an administration willing to secure America's freedom from the Chinese Communist Party — whatever it takes.
Portland rioters launched what appeared to be a Molotov cocktail at a federal courthouse early Tuesday morning during another tense standoff between protesters and federal law enforcement, police s…
Portland NAACP President E.D. Mondaine is operating under the impression the current nightly riots in Portland have anything to do with George Floyd's death.
The Pentagon would get nearly $30 billion under the Senate Republicans’ coronavirus relief plan, including $8 billion for weapons systems.
While national media outlets continue to bash GOP governors, they've resisted criticizing west coast Democrat governors over the rising case numbers in their states.
Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday morning, the attorney general offers a vigorous defense of his tenure.
Senate Republicans unveiled their version of a fresh round of coronavirus relief, as White House negotiators and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are set to meet in the evening to begin negotiations. 