Disney-owned Pixar Animation Studios has unveiled its first-ever gay main character in a short Disney Plus film called "Out."
The #stayhome brigades are shaming travelers, but summer travel may be what this country needs.
New York Times correspondent Nikole Hannah-Jones caught a flurry of attention Friday after attempting to distinguish between being "politically black and racially black."
U.S. District Court Judge Emmett G. Sullivan has taken the unusual step of hiring an attorney to represent him as an appeals court reviews his decision not to immediately grant the Justice Department's (DOJ's) request to dismiss its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
Thread by @ZubyMusic: I'm seeing a lot of people trying to pass off Joe Biden's #YouAintBlack comment as merely a 'gaffe' or 'joke'... But it It revealed a deeply rooted and pernicious form of racism that is extremely pervasive in left-wing politics. Let…
More than half of all political ad spending in 2020 congressional races has come from unknown sources, what is commonly referred to as 'dark money.'
Michelle Obama said that when they go low, we go high. Perhaps her husband should give a short but powerful speech admitting error
Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore said former Vice President Joe Biden doesn't have what it takes to get enough people to the polls to beat President Donald Trump.
An attorney who drafted a “Declaration Of Essentiality For Churches” earlier this month has submitted a letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) informing him that pastors across the state have signed onto his declaration and now plan to resume in-person services on Sunday, May 31. Robert H. Tyler, president of Advocates for Faith and […]
In a May 20 column for The Nation, writer Katha Pollitt stated that she would “vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them.” The primary angle of the article by Pollitt appears to be to discredit Tara Reade, the former Biden staffer who has accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of sexually assaulting […]
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a recent interview with a female representative of the segment of the human species identifying as female, Biden made a strong case for why all women everywhere should vote for him without question, or at least let him sniff their hair. "Look, the thing, you know what it is," Biden said. "The womenfolk know what …
Radio host Charlamagne tha God is pushing back one day after former Vice President Joe Biden said on his show “The Breakfast Club” that African-American voters "ain’t black” if they can’t decide whether to vote for him or incumbent President Trump.
With COVID-19 forcing numerous Democratic state primaries to be rescheduled, and with the possibility of a virus resurgence in the fall, many in the media are beginning to focus their attention to a pandemic general election. One of the ideas being bandied about for November 3 is mail-in voting. While several states already run entirely […]
The Trump campaign is delivering sky-high 2020 messages to beachgoers this Memorial Day weekend from the Jersey Shore down to the Florida Panhandle.
Even as the number of unemployed Americans nears 40 million, corporate America pleads for more foreign workers.
"If it keeps going the way it's going, I have a chance to break the deep state. It's a vicious group of people..."

Let’s blame China | Spectator USA

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

It is beyond time to rethink our relationship with China, to level the playing field and demand honesty and reciprocity in our dealings
There is a 50% chance the trial may result in 'no result.'
The institution is 'particularly vulnerable to China government influences due to the large amounts of China donations and contracts".
YPSILANTI, MI—While touring a Ford Motor plant in Michigan, President Trump went maskless despite an executive order by Governor Gretchen Whitmer that everyone must wear a mask outside the home. It is said that Trump refused to wear a mask in front of reporters when the mask they got him was of the wrong Ninja Turtle.“Donatello? Not good! A preside …
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany ended Friday's press briefing by demanding answers from the gathered reporters.
Former House Oversight Committee Chairman and Fox News contributor Trey Gowdy reacted Friday to FBI Director Christopher Wray ordering an internal review of the Michael Flynn probe by asking, "What the hell have they been doing?"
A former Democratic judge of elections in Philadelphia pleaded guilty Thursday to accepting $2,500 in bribes to inflate the vote totals for three Democratic candidates.
Washington, DC - In his latest interviews, Dr. Anthony Fauci seems to have changed his mind on the stay home orders. In a recent interview on CNBC's