President Trump released a blistering letter late Monday to the head of the World Health Organization, stating that his administration conducted an investigation that confirmed the health body’s multiple failures in the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak, and warned that his current funding freeze will become permanent if the organization does not make “substantive” improvements within 30 days.
A Johns Hopkins training course for Wuhan coronavirus tracers explains why they have the right to restrict personal autonomy.
"Humankind" instead of "mankind," "salesperson" instead of "salesman," and so on
America’s responses to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic come at the expense of our natural rights, and property ownership is in the crosshairs.
President Trump revealed that he’s been taking a hydroxychloroquine pill daily for roughly a week and a half, along with a dose of zinc.
The Chinese company has accused the White House of trying to put a "stranglehold" on it after latest restrictions were announced.
Follow a complex, often painful life, dealing with race, faith, power and jurisprudence.
Journalists missed a reference to a Biden gaffe Monday after the Trump campaign launched a new website titled "Truth Over Facts."
The Senate Judiciary Committee announced late on Monday that it would be voting to authorize issuing subpoenas to top Obama-era officials over their investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign and other related matters. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made the announcement in a press release saying that the subpoena authorization “covers a number […]
Attorney General William Barr told reporters on Monday that the actions taken by Obama-era officials in federal law enforcement and in the Intelligence Community against President Donald Trump were “unprecedented in American history” and represented a “grave injustice.” “I’ve commented since I have been attorney general and even during my confirmation hearings that over the […]
New details emerged on Monday about recently fired State Department Inspector General Steve Linick that undermine claims that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had him fired as an act of political retaliation. News broke late on Friday night that Linick, an Obama appointee, had been fired from his role because President Donald Trump no longer […]
Attorney General William Barr said he didn’t expect former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden to be investigated as part of an examination of the origins of a federal probe into whether the 2016 Trump campaign had colluded with Russia.
Lo stupro è avvenuto giovedì scorso in una banlieu a sud di Parigi. Alcuni esponenti del governo, anziché interrogarsi sulla terribile violenza, hanno puntato il dito contro Twitter.
Washington Post cites officials saying Jerusalem carried out 'highly accurate' hack, apparently in retaliation for Iranian attempt to target Israeli water infrastructure
By not locking down, the Nordic outlier has in effect 'front-loaded' its deaths and decreased those deaths later on.
The media’s golden boy made three breathtakingly bad moves in March that in retrospect amounted to catastrophe.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it’s “not a good idea” for a “morbidly obese” President Donald Trump to be taking the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a preventative treatment for COVID-19 — especially given his age and weight group.“He’s our president and I would rather he not be taking something
Huawei has largely weathered an escalating 18-month campaign by the Trump administration to isolate it internationally.
Joe Biden once bragged about nearly being arrested for chasing a "lovely group of women" into an all-female dormitory in his youth.
  Disturbing news is coming out of Oregon, as hundreds of people are reporting that their voter registration was switched from Republican to non affiliated without their knowledge or permission. Oregon is entirely vote-by-mail, and ballots were sent out in the last week of April, and due this Tuesday at 8:00 PM. Many were shocked…
Chinese government threatens Chris Smith   WASHINGTON—The Chinese government through its propaganda organ the Global Times threatened Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey and a handful of American lawmakers and officials seeking to legally empower victims of the COVID-19 pandemic to bring lawsuits in U.S. courts against the Chinese government.   The Global Times wrote[...]
Fox News' Neil Cavuto reacted strongly Monday to President Trump's "stunning" disclosure that he is taking the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine to prevent contracting coronavirus.
President Trump stoked a flurry of reaction Monday after revealing to reporters that he has been taking hydroxychloroquine, a controversial malaria drug, to stave off the novel coronavirus, with many experts urging Americans to consult with doctors before taking such a step.
Immediate changes are being instituted to the Rooney Rule by the NFL, requiring clubs to interview no less than two external minority candidates for head coaching openings.