Delivering a much-needed dose of hope and good news, son-in-law to President Trump and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner predicted on Wednesday that the country would be back on its feet in June. Speaking on “Fox & Friends,” Kushner said that as the month of May unfolds, states will slowly reopen in different phases, […]
Oh look, it’s Jimmy Kimmel belittling the Vice President as a dog, again. The late-night ABC “comedian” joined the rest of the media in expressing over-the-top outrage at Mike Pence not wearing a mask while visiting the Mayo Clinic, Tuesday. While all the late-night hosts made digs at Pence for that decision, Kimmel was the nastiest, even “joking” about the vice "poodle" dying, (a classless joke he’s made before about the VP.)
Womens groups that came out in force to support Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in leveling her unsubstantiated sexual assault allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, are nowhere to be seen now that a sexual assault allegation has been leveled at former Vice President — and presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee — Joe Biden. The […]
Appearing on NBC’s Today show Wednesday morning, liberal flimmaker Ken Burns brushed aside the concept of “individual freedom” as he hailed the “central role” of government during a time of crisis like the coronavirus pandemic. He hoped the national emergency would usher in “fundamental change” and that “we don’t then just go back to the old ways.”
It’s one thing to engage in political battles with various factions in the city, and another to scapegoat one group.
An Air Force display was dedicated to health workers, while musicians and performers sought to honor the generation of the country's founders by performing outside geriatric care facilities and retirement homes
Commentary Now that President Donald Trump has wisely decided to downplay his press briefings regarding the CCP virus ...
Newly disclosed handwritten documents in the Michael Flynn case show that the stated goal of the FBI in interviewing Flynn was to 'get him fired.'
The state Health Department allowed nurses and other staff who tested positive for the coronavirus to continue treating COVID-19 patients at an upstate nursing home, The Post has learned. State off…
When pressured to address exactly who knew what about the anti-Trump research, Steele conceded Hillary Clinton herself knew about the dossier research.
WORLD—Authorities in the scientific community who touted faulty COVID-19 models are "pretty confident" they know what the weather is going to be like in 100 years, sources confirmed Wednesday."Yes, we were off by a factor of about 1 billion in our predictions for what happened over the last few months, but trust us: we know exactly what th …
“Joe Biden has fallen asleep listening to Hillary Clinton during his own town hall https://t.co/tCfbXwezys”
President Trump and daughter Ivanka Trump hosted an event at the White House Tuesday inviting small business owners from across the country to discuss the impact of the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program.
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A resurfaced video from 2006 shows then-Senator Joe Biden complaining about "illegals" and voicing his support for a 700-mile long border fence. --- SUBSCRIB...
CNN is praising China's 'model of control' and parroting propaganda in a story that reads as though it were written by none other than dictator Xi Jinping.
While at the White House on Tuesday, sitting alongside President Donald Trump, Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida ripped into the media for their failing, dire predictions of his novel coronavirus response. Gov. DeSantis was lambasted in the media for weeks for refusing to implement a draconian statewide lockdown, though Florida is outperforming states across […]
Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has threatened to extend her extreme stay-at-home order in response to protesters who rallied against it at the state’s capital on Wednesday. In an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Governor Whitmer said that the protest was “irresponsible” and that “we might have to actually think about extending stay-at-home orders, which…
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is expected to extend some form of the lockdown of the state on Friday.
1989 was the year of remarkable popular uprisings throughout the world, most notably Tiananmen Square, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia. December saw the fall of one of Eastern Europe’s most brutal dictat [...]
Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) on Tuesday night defended presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden when asked about sexual assault allegations from Tara Reade, a former Biden aide who has a
Big technology companies are using the COVID-19 tragedy to increase their power over the American population. #FoxNews #Tucker FOX News operates the FOX News...
Former chairman of the California Republican party Tom Del Beccaro pushed back on the state’s stay-at-home order on Wednesday saying he thinks “things are going to unravel” for Gov. Gavin Newsom.