Hundreds of thousands of children could die this year due to the global economic downturn sparked by the coronavirus pandemic and tens of millions more could fall into extreme poverty as a result of the crisis, the United Nations warned on Thursday.
People are still going to be infected. People are still going to die. But unless our health system crashes, that is no one's fault.
There has been no condemnation more critical, more widespread, and more sustained than the mainstream media’s assault on President Donald Trump’s comparison
Bill Maher went off on the media Friday night during his show “Real Time” on HBO, saying that they need to cut back on their “panic porn” reporting on the coronavirus or else they will end up helping President Donald Trump get re-elected. “And finally, new rule, now that we’re starting to see some hope […]
A Palestinian rioter hurls stones at Israeli troops in the West Bank city of Hebron, Feb. 6, 2020. Photo: Reuters …
Loeffler says attacks on her are "socialist"
The deadly China coronavirus that started in China sometime in late 2019 has now circled the globe. Evidence suggests that the coronavirus was not from a wet market but came from a lab in Wuhan. We still don’t know whether the deadly virus was leaked intentionally or if it was an accident. But we do…
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said during an interview on Friday that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is not letting scientists from around the world enter the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which U.S. government officials have “increasing confidence” as being the location where the coronavirus outbreak may have originated. “The sources believe the initial transmission […]
Illinois State Senator Don Harmon (D), who serves as president of the senate, has requested a $40 billion bailout from Congress, citing the economic burden of the coronavirus pandemic on the state’s ability to raise revenue. According to The New York Times, Harmon sent the letter to Congress this week, acknowledging that he realizes he’s […]
When you work in a corrupt system, your own corruption becomes invisible to you. You know yourself to be an essentially good person. Your friends like you. You’re nice to your wife. You have professional accomplishments. And if you take a bribe now and then or lie or otherwise abuse the public trust, well, you’re […]
Sen. Duckworth accused Pres. Trump of killing Americans by not "sending more ventilators"; his campaign replied:"It’s a pretty sick thing to lie like this!"
The Trump administration is demanding answers from China on the novel coronavirus, as it's "very clear now" that the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization did not release information as it is required to do, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said...
More teeth remain to be pulled, and the biggest may concern James Comey and Hillary’s emails.
COVID-19 has us all thinking about public health, but looking back, there have been many pandemics before, and we persist in spite of them.
A study finds 50 to 85 times as many infections as known cases—meaning a far lower fatality rate.
.04/18/2020 10:53:36AM EST.
Murphy tried to absolve China and the WHO of wrongdoing, but inadvertently confirmed a point made by Dr. Birx about how China's deceptive early data helped shape the U.S.'s initial response to the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.
China and Taiwan have donated masks and medical supplies to the Vatican but the Vatican has only thanked China publicly.
How can you speak from authority if the data you rely on is flawed? It's a problem for policymakers around the world who have been relying on a scientific model that projects the number of dead from the coronavirus. The White House has been relying on the model to formulate policy and develop pla...
Apr 18, 2020 - The immunologist and professor of medicine acknowledges the importance of self-isolation, but he also feels that more emphasis needs to be placed on data collection about the novel coronavirus.
Governors are trying to revive their economies by easing coronavirus restrictions
The IRS declined to comment when asked if there is a system in place to recoup stimulus payments sent to ineligible recipients