The tweet came from former congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine. She accused Fauci of downplaying the danger of the coronavirus outbreak.
They were too busy doing the bidding of China.
Perhaps it's not so bad for each state to tailor their response to their respective needs.
Seven states have begun issuing so-called Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Benefits included in the massive coronavirus aid bill enacted last month.
Some mayors and governors seem to think their authority is limitless in the face of coronavirus. They need a remedial lesson in the Constitution.
Despite 17 million Americans out of work, Joe Biden's campaign website still contains proposals to flood the United States with millions of new immigrant workers — both skilled and unskilled.

What the MSM Was Afraid to Tell You

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

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Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced Sunday that he has signed new legislation that expands access to voting in the Commonwealth. The new bill repeals Virginia's voter identification law, makes Election Day a state holiday, and expands access to early voting, according to a release from the office of Gov. Northam. HERE'S A BREAKDOWN OF THE LEGISLATION: Early voting will be allowed 45 days before an election without a stated excuse.
Hand it to The New York Times to take up the question of Tara Reade’s sexual-abuse accusations against Joe Biden … on Easter weekend, with its reduced holiday readership, in an article that d…
The disappointment was palpable in every syllable of the headline: “Everything Is Awful. So Why Is the Stock Market Booming?” The author of this New York Ti
After President Trump noted in March that an anti-malarial drug had shown some success in treating COVID-19, according to reports from clinicians, his opponents slammed him for playing doctor and f…


Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Post with 0 votes and 108 views.
Officials said Monday that mainland China had 169 new confirmed cases, 98 of which were described as "imported." It was the largest increase since March 6.
HR 5717 http://bit.ly/2VQnFFR Hank Johnson is a US representative of Georgia. Hank Johnson and I both graduated from the same law school. However, Hank and I...
The New York Times stealth-edited its article on the sexual-assault allegation against Joe Biden by his former Senate staffer Tara Reade just minutes after it was published on Sunday morning, removing all references in a key paragraph to the multiple past accusations by several women that the former vice president had touched them inappropriately.
'Kissing & touching women who do not want to be kissed and touched is in fact sexual misconduct'
I think if the world was in fact ending, nobody would actually say the ‘End is nigh’, I think there’d be better things to do. But ah…this song is about the people you might want around….and being from Dublin city there’s a lot of you here tonight…and..I know a lot of people are here….with those...
Energy independence for the United States is something we’ve been pushing for as a nation for decades. In recent years, we’ve reduced our dependence on the Middle East and helped maintain stability in the market. But both Saudi Arabia and Russia are producing enough to drive the prices down in an effort to destabilize the …

Ryan Saavedra on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

“U.S. population: 328,000,000 France/Germany/Italy/U.K./Spain population: 324,000,000 Coronavirus cases: -U.S.: 526,396 -F/G/I/UK/S: 650,807 Coronavirus deaths: -U.S.: 20,463 -F/G/I/UK/S: 62,553 Source: Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center”

The Worst Governor in America

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

One word keeps recurring in online discussions of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s latest orders to fight the state’s raging COVID-19 outbreak: “Insanity.
Gov. Jay Inslee's office on Wednesday announced that the state will be returning a field hospital deployed to CenturyLink Field Event Center to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Hollywood loves nothing more than teaming with politicians to send a message. Stars spent eight full years coordinating with the Obama administration on everything from volunteerism to the calamitous ObamaCare rollout. That sense of unity disappeared like so many Thanos victims once a Republican entered the White House in 2017. Still, perhaps the most jaw-dropping partnership from the Obama years had nothing to do with the President himself. Pop singer Lady Gaga teamed with Vice President Joe Biden for a PSA and campaign about sexual abuse. 'Lady Gaga has been the voice for people who have been forgotten and people
Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) claimed during an interview this last week that the United States has “not earned the right” to call itself a “humane society.” Ocasio-Cortez made the remarks during an interview on far-left Democracy Now! about the coronavirus outbreak as she pounced on the opportunity to attack the Trump administration. “We should […]
Anyone who tries to cross the police barricade around the apartment complex could face criminal charges.