Taipei, April 10 (CNA) Taiwan's Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau said Friday that Chinese posing online as Taiwanese are behind an online campaign to apologize to World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who on Wednesday accused Taiwan of involvement in a series of personal attacks against him.
Chinese social media platforms began censoring references to coronavirus and keywords critical of the government's handling of the infection as early as December, Toronto-based cyber research group Citizen Lab said in a report on Tuesday.
Confused about COVID-19, the hype and the lockdown quarantine? Here's what's really happening inside hospitals, with our military, and our borders.
In late March FOX News host Laura Ingraham reported on the latest study by the French research team led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Didier Raoult was able to repeat his findings from a previous study. This time Dr. Raoult administered hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to 80 patients and observed improvement in EVERY CASE except for…


Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

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A report published by the American Enterprise Institute estimates the true number of coronavirus cases in China was about 2.9 million.
In any other presidential election year, a lot of people would be talking — a lot — about the race. Not this time around. It’s COVID-19 every minute, 24/7, and it’s likely to stay that way for quite some time. The virus sweeping the U.S. is helping — and hurting — both President Trump and […]
Imagine a Hillary Clinton fangirl dreaming of a world where Hillary is president, only to awaken and find out it's not true. CBS All-Access began streaming Season Four of The Good Fight on April 9 and uses that narrative as the storyline of the episode titled “The Gang Deals with Alternate Reality.”
The CARES Act, the official name of the $2.2 trillion economic stimulus and virus-fighting legislation passed late last month, does allow for employers to defer their payroll tax payments but does not actually cut the levies, which are largely used to fund entitlements like Medicare and Social Security.
Michael Moore took time out from lamenting the defeat of Bernie Sanders to warn that “white men” will have to pay for causing President Trump.
Didier Raoult defends a controversial treatment for the coronavirus.
Restrictions on takeout cocktails, telemedicine, hand sanitizer, and plastic bags are among the rules being chucked aside in a crisis.
Authoritarian rule may be just around the corner.

COVID-19 Panic Worse Than Disease

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

General George S. Patton once proclaimed, “Fear kills more people than death!” That makes as much sense (or not) as something Yogi Berra said: “No one goes to that restaurant anymore; it’s too crow…

Why the Political Class Freaked Out

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Politicians, including the President, try to adjust expectations about what a “good” or “bad” outcome would look like. If the outcome is bad and lots of people die they can always come out with the “good thing we did something or this would have been much worse” excuse.
French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi has committed to donating 100 million doses of the decades-old anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine — a potential but unproven weapon against COVID-19 — to 50 co…
Mississippi State football coach Mike Leach is being dragged over the coals for tweeting an innocent joke about the frustrations of quarantine.
Nintendo's 'Animal Crossing' has been taken down from Taobao, some suspect due to Hong Kong protestors spreading pro-democracy messages on the game

Who Profits From the Pandemic?

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Pepe Escobar looks at a frightening future that might follow the already terrifying Covid-19 global outbreak. Pepe ESCOBAR You don’t need to read Michel Foucault’s…
Plus: Vote shamers should check their privilege, little change in Biden vs. Trump poll, and more...
Hulk Hogan: Everything We Worship Has Been Taken Away By God.Many are having problems coping with the social distancing and #stayathome
To keep your spirits up, simple things make a huge difference. The survival habits you engrain now can fuel a comeback as this virus subsides.
“And if people broke the law, and we can establish that with the evidence, they will be prosecuted,” Barr stated.