NOTE: This documentary originally aired November 18, 2003 On November 23, 2002, officials with the World Health Organization attended an influenza conference...
Local "patriot" groups have signaled that they will not comply with the Governor's stay home order, using false claims that the order is unconstitutional. Their behavior threatens the health and safety of the rest of us.
The coronavirus pandemic has led to a massive decrease in movement of people around the world, which is evident in these satellite images. [See more before and after images](https://www.space.com/coronavirus-impact-from-space-before-and-after-satellite-images.html) Credit: Space.com / Images credit: WorldView Satellite - Maxar Technologies / produced & edited by [Steve Spaleta](http://www.twitter.com/stevespaleta)
A recently posted op-ed by two professors — an associate professor of Mathematics at Carnegie Mellon University and an assistant professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Pittsburgh — calls for greater “honesty in pandemic modeling,” which, they suggest, too often conceals the fact that after lock-downs and other extreme social distancing measures are […]
I debated on whether or not to even post this video, but I want anyone who's gone through something like this before to know they're not alone. It hurts. But...
The lockdown orders being issued all across the country provide no exceptions for children, and sometimes crowds may not understand.
An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as the best treatment for the novel coronavirus. Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 co…
California Gov. Gavin Newsom said coronavirus provided an opportunity to usher in "a progressive era" and move away from capitalism.
The U.S. Navy is expected to relieve the commander of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, who wrote a scathing letter that leaked to the public asking the Navy for stronger measures to control a coronavirus outbreak onboard, U.S. officials told Reuters on Thursday.
President Donald Trump predicted that Adam Schiff's new partisan investigation — his "witch hunt" — will do nothing but "build up my poll numbers."
Confessions, video, and witnesses prove Kori Muhammad killed four people. But now that he's on trial, his state of mind may be more important.
Gov. Ron DeSantis said his order to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic was not to get in the way of religious freedom in Florida.
The spectacularly misnamed "Free Press" group seeks government control over conservative speech and conservative media.
President Trump sent a scathing letter to Senator Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) after the Senate minority leader criticized the president’s coronavirus response.
It is not clear if any accounts were compromised, but the attacks show how the WHO and other organizations at the center of a global effort to contain the coronavirus have come under attack.
President Trump, speaking at the White House coronavirus briefing on Thursday, unloaded on Democrats who have created a new House committee with subpoena authority to investigate the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Samaritan's Purse charity is already treating 12 coronavirus patients just one day after opening its field hospital in New York City's Central Park, nurse practitioner Shelly Kelly told Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday.
President Trump announced Thursday that he is expanding his use of the Defense Production Act (DPA) to help several manufacturers secure supplies for ventilators.
News that Chinese officials have ordered a county in central China back on lockdown has some questioning whether President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party took its coronavirus victory lap too soon and what that might mean for other countries using China's template. 
On February 4, President Trump delivered his State of the Union Address, during which he addressed the threat to America from the coronavirus, asserting, “Protecting Americans’ health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the coronavirus outbreak in China. My administration will take all necessary […]
Houston Mayor Pleads With Criminals http://bit.ly/2VQnFFR You’re the mayor, you oversee the police department, the same police department you want us to depe...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is pushing for a new stimulus bill that would roll back the state and local tax deduction (SALT) cap, a proposal that would predominantly help wealthy individuals — including most residents in Pelosi's district and perhaps even Pelosi herself.
ALBANY, NY—New York state has announced a new plan to raise taxes on the novel coronavirus. The 15% income tax on all COVID-19 viruses, coupled with an 8% luxury disease tax, is expected to generate significant revenue and stop the virus in its tracks.The plan is designed to cause the virus to flee the state to a lower-tax, more virus-friendly area." …
On Thursday, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, where Dr. Jonas Salk discovered a vaccine for polio, announced they have created a potential vaccine for the coronavirus. Researchers gave the vaccine to mice through a patch in the skin, and say not only that the vaccine proved effective, but that producing similar patches with […]