This article is not going where you think it is. As most of my American Spectator readers know, don’t even try to guess where this is going. Just come along
The assumption that there is an inevitable trade off between health interests and economic interests is false.
The coronavirus may not be as deadly as original estimates predicted, according to a new study published on Monday. The study, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal, says previous estimates were too high because they were based on the case fatality rate (CFR) and didn't...
Florida Sen. Rick Scott on Tuesday called for a congressional investigation into whether the World Health Organization pushed Chinese government misinformation.
The Trump administration on Tuesday offered a new pathway to ending the ongoing crisis in Venezuela, proposing a transition that would establish a temporary government to hold new elections -- a proposal that would include the eventual lifting of sanctions on the socialist country.
The vials were labeled ‘Antibodies,’ and the unnamed scientist said he was asked to deliver them to a researcher at a U.S. institute.
ATLANTA, GA—On a live broadcast today, CNN reporter Jim Acosta struck a mighty blow against racism by checking how many bats he could fit in his mouth.The CNN journalist was worried his station might be flirting with racism since they have reported on the coronavirus scandal even though China would like everyone just to pretend everything is fine. T …
Once the pandemic has passed, everything will return to normal. Right?
Donald Trump held a rally in South Carolina on February 28, 2020, where he called the coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak a "hoax". Read the transcript here.
Though the Chinese government claimed that only around 2,535 residents of Wuhan died from the deadly coronavirus, residents of the city are saying that the number is substantially higher, with one ...
BCG may train the body to fight more than tuberculosis. Healthcare workers in Netherlands and Australia to participate in studies.
The media are paying a price in lost reputation with the nation they claim to represent by reassuming the role of “adversary press” in a social crisis where, whatever one’s view of Donald Trump, the country wants the president to succeed.
A recently posted op-ed by two professors — an associate professor of Mathematics at Carnegie Mellon University and an assistant professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Pittsburgh — calls for greater “honesty in pandemic modeling,” which, they suggest, too often conceals the fact that after lock-downs and other extreme social distancing measures are […]
President Donald Trump told reporters impeachment did not affect his ability to respond to the coronavirus, but it had distracted Democrats.
Why is a grandstanding journalist seen as more virtuous than a self-sacrificing business owner?
Dr. Anthony Fauci cautioned CNN's Jim Acosta for taking him out of context while responding to a question on Tuesday.
CBP officials told Breitbart Texas that nearly all migrants apprehended after illegally crossing the border are being returned.
43 percent of Americans trust Joe Biden to handle the coronavirus crisis, compared to 45 percent who said the same about President Tru
Democrats have criticized Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, as polls have shown rising approval from Americans.
McConnell said in an interview Tuesday that the Democrats' impeachment effort diverted the attention of the government from coronavirus.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, shut down CNN’s Jim Acosta on Tuesday for suggesting that President Donald Trump did not act early enough to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Fauci’s remarks came in response to Acosta asking Trump and members […]
On Tuesday morning, Barack Obama criticized Trump's rollback of fuel standards in a tweet that made what appears to be a backhanded critique of Trump's response to the coronavirus. "We've seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic," Obama said. Who exactly w...
The New York Times, the famous “Gray Lady,” long has seen its role as a standard-bearer for modern liberalism. Of course, the paper still employs competent