
.03/29/2020 18:56:34PM EST.


Facts and stats, things Krugman has trouble with...


"Indeed, strong enthusiasm for Biden among his supporters – at just 24% – is the lowest on record for a Democratic presidential candidate in 20 years of ABC/Post polls. More than twice as many of Trump’s supporters are highly enthusiastic about supporting him, 53%."


During the epidemic, the dead were cremated immediately, without ceremonies and without specifying the cause of death. Now family members are waiting to bury the urns containing the ashes of their loved ones. About 45,000 urnes will be distributed in Wuhan alone. The number of coronavirus deaths in China is deliberately underestimated. In the days of the peak of the epidemic, the crematory ovens worked for 19 hours a day. Journalists Li Zehua, Fang Bin, Chen Qiushi have disappeared. Photos and videos of queues at Funeral Parlors and cemeteries are blocked on social media.


Democrats and their allies in the media are pushing the outright lie that the Trump Administration ignored the threat of coronavirus in January and February and did nothing to try to stop its spread. In fact, the exact opposite is true.


A bungled response in Western countries is no reason to take the heat off China. If China had a different government, the world could have…


Scientific advisers have reportedly told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the Chinese communist government has downplayed the true extent of the coronavirus outbreak in their country and that the real number could be “15 to 40 times” higher than what China has reported. “Mr Johnson has been warned by scientific advisers that China’s officially […]


Gas prices are falling all over the country as oil prices tumble, yet prices are still relatively high in California.


After the National Rifle Association sued California for deeming gun stores "non-essential," the Trump administration designated all gun stores "essential."


Students at the New York University Tisch School of the Arts want some of their tuition money back because they say virtual classes aren’t what they paid for — but instead of addressing the situation, the school’s dean sent them a video of herself dancing to REM’s “Losing My Religion.” Following several communications between students and the school administration, Dean…


The official recommendation in the United States (and other Western countries) that the public should not wear face masks was motivated by…


Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany's Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming "deeply worried" over how to cope with the economic fallout from the coronavirus, state premier Volker Bouffier said on Sunday.The body of Thomas, a 54-year-old member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, was found Saturday on railway tracks at Hochheim.


A Rhode Island public school teacher with a history of harassing school choice supporters has posted an offer on social media to pay for someone with COVID-19 to cough on President Donald Trump. Amy Bednarz is a 6th grade teacher at Villa Nova Middle School in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. “Somebody with COVID-19, I will pay you …


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Sunday accused President Donald Trump of ‘fiddling while people are dying’ of the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus. During the height of the pandemic this monster wants to start a new impeachment investigation!. What did the President know and when did he know it? People are dying. pic.twitter.com/523KQLG5xV — …


Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., is calling out the Chinese government for continuing to lie about coronavirus, after their initial response to it – according to him – caused it to become the global problem that it is.


Only in New York during quarantine compilation #1 (Part 1). Here's a compilation of videos from New York City for you to stay informed about Coronavirus (Cov...


As most people know, joining the intelligence community means that one has to explain and be honest about one’s former peccadillos. One must also be aware of what figures in government spied against their own country in the past. Some years ago, as a CIA study of the Alger Hiss case noted, Presid...


She previously worked for Hillary Clinton


Amazon Monetizing Coronavirus Pandemic is Sickening.Amazon, owned by the richest man in the world, is soliciting PUBLIC DONATIONS to pay sick leave for


As the first Harris County inmate tested positive for COVID-19 Sunday, Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order blocking any release of inmates from jails and prisons accused or convicted of violent crime. “Releasing dangerous criminals from jails into the streets is not the right solution and doing so is now prohibited by law by this declaration,” Abbott said at an afternoon briefing. The news comes as federal, state and local government officials continued to squabble over details of what a jail release would look like as they attempted to prevent a catastrophic outbreak among the 8,0000 people incarcerated at the downtown facility. The governor was referencing Attorney General Ken Paxton’s motion to prevent Harris County from releasing 4,000 people awaiting trial on felonies, saying such a move would “allow dangerous criminals to roam freely and commit more crimes during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.” “Protecting Texans is one of my highest priorities. It is vital that we maintain the integrity of our criminal justice system and continue to enforce state law during this pandemic,” Paxton said. “My office will not stand for any action that threatens the health and safety of law-abiding citizens.” Hours earlier a federal judge convened an emergency hearing to address plans that plaintiffs in a federal civil rights case had hammered out over the weekend with lawyers for the sheriff and the county judge to release inmates accused of some nonviolent offense. An official from Paxton’s office appeared telephonically at that hearing and said the AG planned to appeal an order by the federal judge to the 5th U.S. Circuit if it called for any blanket releases. The judge set a hearing for...


"I do, I really do" when asked whether he supports the US taking equity stakes in companies that receive assistance.