As the markets continue to drop and the U. S. looks to Congress for agreement on a massive stimulus package to save the economy from impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, the newest offer by House Democrats includes a very forward-looking kind of stimulus: the creation of a ‘digital dollar’
How has Japan seemingly escaped the spread of the coronavirus when other countries have suffered so badly?

Our Federalist Moment

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Commentary The debate over the federal Constitution that raged in the fall of 1787 and spring of 1788 ...

Biden rallies

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Post with 0 votes and 946 views. Biden rallies
The growing concerns about the consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus have led to a global demand and supply shock: the demand for goods and services has collapsed, and because international production and value chains are now also disrupted, output slows down, and its former level can no
Axios deleted a tweet suggesting President Donald Trump's call to explore an anti-malaria drug as a coronavirus treatment caused people to ingest fish-tank cleaner
Greta Thunberg, the teenage climate change activist, has revealed she self-isolated after she showed coronavirus symptoms.

U.S. Debt Clock - Worldometer

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

What is the United States of America National Debt right now? Live clock showing the US Government debt changing in real time
This is a Democrat wish list, at a time hundreds are dying, thousands are losing their businesses, and millions are out of work.
Senator Marco Rubio speaks at National Defense University on the need for a ‘pro-American industrial policy’ to counter China.
Of course Trump didn’t tell people they should take a prescription drug without a doctors orders. He certainly didn’t tell anyone to DIY the drug using a fish tank product.
The House speaker not only wants to use the coronavirus pandemic to entrench Obamacare, she wants to make taxpayers fund abortion in the process.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shared similar views as President Donald Trump by arguing it would be possible to restart the economy.
Cuomo called on other states to pay attention to the coronavirus outbreak in New York as an example of what to expect in the coming weeks.
Senate Republicans failed to pass a $1.8 trillion stimulus package after Democrats blocked the bill from moving forward in two separate procedural votes.The Democrats argue that the legislation wou…
CBS This Morning on Tuesday mostly ignored the findings of its own poll on the coronavirus and the government’s handling of it. The network allowed a scant 10 seconds to the news that a majority, 53 percent, approve of the President’s response. Relegated to online is the news that more Americans trust Donald Trump to given information than the media itself.
The lieutenant governor of Texas is facing backlash after suggesting many grandparents in America would be willing to risk their health in order to see a resurgence in the economy amid the coronavirus outbreak.
President Trump and his administration spent two months ignoring a potential health Armageddon. Our governors need to announce a national health and economic rescue plan to tell the president and congress what to do and how to do it.
31 votes and 1 comment so far on Reddit
The United States was ranked the best-prepared country in the world to handle a pandemic in late 2019 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHU) -- an assessment seemingly at odds with claims by top Democrats that the Trump administration left the country vulnerable.
Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) plan to fight the coronavirus includes giving millions in American taxpayer funding to refugees living overseas. 
When they start reporting honestly, Democrats should know they've done wrong.
A 1,400 page draft of the bill already making the rounds includes provisions demanding data on racial and gender diversity.