It is a serious disease, and we should treat it like one. But the shutdown approach may be imperfect.
Underworld star Sophia Myles’s dad dies of coronavirus as actress shares heartbreaking final picture
Underworld actress Sophia Myles' dad has died of coronavirus in hospital, she revealed tonight. shared a photo on Twitter of Peter on a ventilator...
.03/21/2020 20:54:46PM EST.
Coming off the heels of his big victory in the Nevada Caucuses, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) sat down for an interview with Anderson Cooper for the CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes. The discussion touched upon several topics, including Sanders’ highly touted democratic socialist policies.
Yet, despite n
“It first struck me how different it was when I saw my first coronavirus patient go bad. I was like, Holy shit, this is not the flu. Watching this relatively young guy, gasping for air, pink frothy secretions coming out of his tube.”
The stories of empty grocery shelves around the country are legion. People fighting over paper products, fresh meats, rice, and just about everything you can think of as shelter-in-place spreads.
The pictures of empty shelves can be seen on every social media platform and media outlet. The actual
The Post says that Dr. Fauci is 'simply wrong.' He isn't.
Sometimes there are silver linings to every crisis. Trump’s rampant and unrestricted racism against Asians is backfiring. A change.org petition has sprouted up urging the change of the name “coronavirus” to “Trump Virus” – humiliating the racist in chief. It has gathered over 200 signatures from loyal Biden supporters across the nation. Bleeding heart liberals …
American businesses are actively stepping to help combat the coronavirus by changing their factories over to making goods and equipment needed by health care workers. | Economy
“It is so easy to be wrong—and to persist in being wrong—when the costs of being wrong are paid by others.”
“Too many people in the media cannot seem to tell the difference between reporting the news and creating propaganda.”
The coronavirus election is here with all of its vast unknowns, but so far President Trump is fighting it with one hand purposefully tied behind his back.
In recent days Trumps top reelection...
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow wants President Trump's daily coronavirus press conferences to be taken off the air, because lives depend on it. Oh, and hope in the midst of these turbulent times? We cannot have that! She concluded her brief screed by suggesting that continuing to air them would lead to more people dying! Anyway, the progressive commentator made the outlandish remarks on her Friday show where accused Trump of spreading misinformation and false hope.
John Cusack used deception when tweeting about President Trump. Why Did John Cusack Lie About President Trump?
Vice President Pence and his wife, Karen Pence, have tested negative for coronavirus, according to a statement tweeted by the vice president's press secretary Katie Miller on Saturday evening.
Judith Persichilli, a former ICU nurse with working-class New Jersey roots, says her whole life has prepared her for this moment as she leads the fight against COVID-19 disease.
Three polls released late this week show a majority of Americans approve of President Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus crisis. The approval numbers have risen as as Trump has led daily televised press briefings on the government’s response to the virus. By coincidence a call has gone out by liberals, led by MSNBC’s …
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) exempted gun and ammunition stores from his statewide shutdown, labeling them "essential."
The daily broadcasts are providing the American people with something that is vital during a national crisis: Leadership.
China didn’t think Trump losing in 2020 was possible until the Wuhan virus upended America’s economic and political landscape. It’s a risky bet
Eliyohu Zaks, 49, was taken into custody on Friday after authorities said he hosted a pop-up wedding in his home on Spruce Street in Lakewood, New Jersey, earlier this week.
A mere eight days ago, Joe Biden was still vocally opposing President Trump's travel bans from Europe and even China as racist.
China's claims of how it's handling coronavirus recovery should be taken with more than a few grains of salt.Even before COVID-19 became a global crisis, Chinese leaders had been criticized for their handling of the situation and lack of transparency about the disease's progression. Things