Post with 42 views. Brigade overkill - one submission on r/conservative...10 times it was submitted to either r/topmindsofreddit or r/selfawarewolves.  The Donald was told that they couldn't even MENTION r/politics, because there were too many brigaders.  But this is "fine.

Chinese Virus and Kung Flu

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

In today’s episode of liberals getting mad for no reason and talking out of their you know what, we have the « debate » on if it’s racist to say Chinese viru...
Thursday, MSNBC "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough slammed western media outlets, saying they are "showing a hell of a lot more skepticism towards western governments" at this time than they are "towards the Chinese authorities." | Clips
Hundreds of cars lined up to cross into the United States at the Mexico-US after officials announced the possibility of restrictions on travel in a bid to curb the coronavirus.
The Politico reported that Sen. Lindsey Graham is using the coronavirus recovery bills to expand the EB-5 green cards which would mainly include wealthy Chinese, Taiwanese and South Korean nationals. The Politico's report on Thursday
Our friends at Twitchy (and others) had a ball late Thursday afternoon and evening lampooning the latest New York Times article dutifully bowing before the communist Chinese government in the piece “World Feared China Over Coronavirus. Now the Tables Are Turned.” As many may recall from earlier this week, China announced they’d expel Times journalists, so there’s no real incentive to continue the boot-licking.
Do they really think they're fooling people?
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Gov. Tom Wolf ordered all “non-life-sustaining” businesses in Pennsylvania to close Thursday night in an effort to slow the spread of covid-19. The order took effect at 8 p.m. Businesses that refuse to close down will face “enforcement actions” beginning at 12:01 a.m. Saturday. Grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacies, beer
Where was he when the AB5 debate was taking place?
There is no way a President Biden or Sanders would have gone against the academic models’ conclusion to leave open travel from China.
This isn’t the time to change our leadership in the White House. It’s time to change the government the person in the White House oversees. The American people deserve better.
A new report claims that the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee sold more a million dollars in stocks in mid-February after learning how devastating the coronavirus could be. 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' will have more on the story on Friday.
Beijing is successfully dodging culpability for its role in spreading the coronavirus.
Two Republican senators were caught selling off millions of dollars worth of stocks shortly after a closed-door Senate-only meeting about the coronavirus pandemic.
Indian political activist Narayan Chatterjee is arrested after urging a civic volunteer to drink cow urine to ward off the coronavirus.
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., may have cashed in before the stock market was in free fall due to the coronavirus outbreak, according to a new report.
Editor’s Note: did you know there is a special Kurt
The entire country — nay, the world — is in a state of panic over this latest Chinese import. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have all but shut down
The president of the United States—the same man who avoided war by claiming bone spurs and who has never served a day in his life, yet harassed one of the most decorated and beloved senators who was captured and tortured during his time in Vietnam—is now referring to himself as a wartime president.
Google now says it is working with the government on the creation of a national website containing information about coronavirus symptoms and testing information.
Any US citizen who has traveled in China will undergo health screening.