‘Where is the federal government when it comes to surgical masks?’
“We will never – NEVER boost or support Joe Biden or defend his abysmal record and terrible policy positions,” Henry Williams, executive director of The Gravel Institute, told The…
Joe Biden is refusing to listen to the advice of leading medical experts, continuing his opposition to travel bans to stop the coronavirus.
The National Rifle Association is endorsing Jeff Sessions in the U.S. Senate race in Alabama.

Bernie Supporters In The Wild

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Kaitlin Bennett ran into some Bernie supporters in the wild. SUBSCRIBE TO KAITLIN'S CHANNEL: https://www.YouTube.com/KaitlinBennett95 [SUPPORT KAITLIN ON PAT...


Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Post with 0 votes and 13 views.
A Tennessee man who amassed a collection of over 17,000 bottles of hand sanitizer and a variety of other sanitary supplies, such as face masks and anti-bacterial wipes, has been complaining that he hasn’t been able to sell them since his products were delisted from the Amazon marketplace. According to The New York Times, Matt Colvin […]
The Spanish government is to put the country under lockdown as part of its state...
President Trump revealed Saturday he has taken the coronavirus test and is awaiting the results.

Trump Takes Coronavirus Test

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

President Trump said in a press conference on Saturday that he has taken a coronavirus test, adding that he is awaiting the results. “I had my temperature taken coming into the room … I also took the test last night. And I decided I should based on the press conference last night,” Trump said. The […]
​​​​​​​President Trump revealed Saturday he has taken the coronavirus test and is awaiting the results.
.03/14/2020 14:59:19PM EST.
.03/14/2020 14:56:28PM EST.
I don’t believe President Trump was ever worried about Joe Biden being a serious threat. Biden has a long history
They are going to have to lock him in a safe room soon.


Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Post with 0 votes and 445 views.

A 'Never Biden' Movement Takes Root

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Even in his prime, Biden was not a strong presidential candidate.
President Trump announced the U.S. will replenish its Strategic Petroleum Reserve to ensure energy security during the coronavirus outbreak.
The media are completely incapable of approaching the coronavirus fight as apolitical or nonpartisan. They just stay in Hate Trump mode, incessantly trashing the president, and then they attack him as a narcissist -- or even a sociopath -- for thinking this is about him. Well, they certainly imply it's all about him, and how he'll be the death of us. That was the tone of Friday night's PBS NewsHour, where David Brooks played psychiatrist and angrily diagnosed the president as a "sociopath."

KLAVAN: Let This Crisis Go To Waste

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

In the current WuFlu crisis, the problem for the Trump-is-an-idiot crowd is that when you step back a bit — and when you subtract his clumsy statements and the usual government missteps in any crisis — the guy has been right about almost everything. Uncontrolled migration, globalization, and the Chinese supply chain — everything Trump […]
He’s only making the crisis worse.
A married couple in Vancouver told the Toronto Star they've made $30,000 selling cleaning products at an inflated price on Amazon during the coronavirus pandemic.