His companion is being treated for a possible methamphetamine overdose, according to the police report.
.03/13/2020 14:59:42PM EST.
EXCLUSIVE: The head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), in an interview with Fox News this week, ripped into Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot for her response to the sexual assault of a three-year-old girl, allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant who had been sprung from custody by the city’s sanctuary policies. 
.03/13/2020 14:55:04PM EST.
.03/13/2020 14:56:46PM EST.
RUSH LIMBAUGH: I'm always interested in people's reaction to this program. I think I have a lot of empathy, and I think one of the reasons why the relationship you and I have is good is 'cause I know how you hear this show. That, I think, is a key ingredient. It's called empathy. I know how you hear it. So when I check emails and get questions from people, usually I'm not surprised, and I'm not surprised that I got beaucoup number of questions: "Rush, you don't sound panicked over any of this. The last two days, you don't sound panicked, and yet everybody's panicked. I'm panicked," people say in their email. "I'm scared to death. I mean, I've looked, the stock market was pulling up to 30,000. Now it's down to 21,000. The Democrat Party, every move they're making is designed to grow government, make government bigger, and you don't seem alarmed." Folks, panic is... I don't know. I'm not panicked. I am ticked off like you cannot believe, and I am really having a conversation with myself about how far to go in explaining why I'm mad, 'cause I'm mad about the politics of this. For example, let me give you some statistics. How many of you even remember the swine flu 2009, 2010? I don't remember it. I mean, I remember we had it. But I don't remember any panic about it. I don't remember a thing about the swine flu. I went back and looked at the stats and I was stunned. Are you ready for this? The swine flu outbreak in this country in 2009 and 2010, 60 million Americans were infected. Do you remember that? Sixty million were infected. Dr. Siegel, one of the Fox doctors was on TV explaining this last night. He was not my primary source for it, but he ended up confirming it. Sixty million people were infected. Do you know how many people were hospitalized in 2009-2010 with the swine flu? Three hundred thousand were hospitalized. So 60 million people infected, 300,000 hospitalized. And nobody even remembers it. And why? Well, because we had a different president. We had a Democrat president by the name of Barack Obama, and the news then was how wonderfully well Obama was handling it, how expertly well Obama was dealing with it. There wasn't any media panic. The Republican Party did not politicize it at all. They made not one single effort that anybody can find or remember to try to make political hay out of it. It was treated as a health issue from top to bottom. Sixty million Americans infected, 300,000 hospitalized. I don't know what the death toll was. The numbers with the coronavirus are not even close. They are barely a fraction of a percentage compared to the swine flu. And then we also had Ebola. And I do remember a little bit more about Ebola, and once again, the Drive-By Media was praising the skills and the composure and the brilliance of Barack Obama in dealing with it. And I remember being kind of ticked off about that because there wasn't anything anybody can do about Ebola. Ebola is like any of these other viruses. There's nothing we can do to contain them. See, the reason I'm not panicked is I don't have enough emotion left for panic 'cause I'm too mad. I'm too ticked off at this. We're watching the U.S. economy be wrecked here. There's some people enjoying it. And it makes me mad. There's some people's lives here that are being seriously damaged over this. And you know what's gonna happen? It's gonna end. We are going to overcome it. It's going to fizzle out like all of these do. How did we ever survive 60 million infected with the swine flu? But we did to the point that hardly anybody remembers it. And that's just 10 years ago, 300,000 hospitalized. So we overcame it. We overcame Ebola. This is gonna end, it's gonna pass. And I'll tell you what else is gonna happen. Because of the actions President Trump has taken, like this travel ban from Europe, that has really put the Democrats in a dicey position. There's some real positives if you want to find 'em here, and I, of course, have, and I'll share them with you in a minute. The point is we're gonna rebound from this, and when we do, you had better get ready and hold on tight, because this market's gonna rebound. The people who are selling right now and getting out of it are panicking, and they don't want to be selling. Everybody's doing this from a very defensive posture and point of view. And it's adding... Like we get news that Tom Hanks and his wife have coronavirus. "Oh, no, it's all going (mewling)! It's over. Oh, my..." And then his kid -- his kid, Chet -- goes on TV, tries to calm everybody. "They're fine. They're in Australia. They're fine. They're not suffering at all. Everything's fine!" It doesn't matter. They've got it. Anyway, this is gonna end, and this market is gonna rebound like you can't believe because the people who have been selling off want to get back in it. And we are taking economic procedures right now that are going to serve to further reignite the economy when all this passes. And when we get back into the growth trajectory, some of the proposals the president's making regarding payroll taxes, Small Business Administration loans, even a tax holiday? You just wait until people have no more emotion left to be panicked and get tired of this and want to go a different direction. And that day is gonna happen. The day's gonna come where people are gonna wake and say, "I'm tired of living this way. I'm fed up with being panicked every day. I'm fed up," and then -- because of the actions the president's taken -- we're not gonna have that many brand-new infections. By shutting off this travel from Europe... As I said, this has really put the Democrats in a bad position 'cause they love the European Union. They love it, and the very fact that travel from their beloved European Union has been shut down... But let... If they come out and oppose this, then they're essentially coming out for open borders. This is actually... If you want to look at it politically, it's a good move from that standpoint. But I'm not panicking 'cause I'm too mad about this. This is... I don't know. (sigh) It's... I know some of you are saying, "Rush, easy for you to say." It isn't easy for me to say, folks. Nobody's immune from what's happening here. I mean, you go back and you look at these swine flu numbers and you ask, "What was different? (chuckles) What was different was we had a Democrat in the White House and so the media didn't want to be critical of the government. The media wanted to be promoting him. They wanted to be positive. They wanted to promote the brilliance of Barack Obama, the brilliant management skills, the temperament, the crease in his slacks, the intelligence and all that. Now we've got just exact opposite.
A new PAC was formed this week in Chicago, Illinois to pay the first person who infects President Trump with coronavirus. The group’s FEC filing includes the purpose of the newly formed group: “CORONAVIRUS PLEASE KILL DONALD TRUMP!!!!” The founder and treasurer are listed in the filing(?) That was not the brightest move. The Treasurer …
Former Democratic candidate for Florida governor, Andrew Gillum, was found "inebriated" early Friday morning in a hotel where meth was also recovered, according to a Miami Beach police report.
The history of socialism in America did not begin with Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
President says of the UK: 'It's got the border. It's got very strong borders. And they're doing a very good job'
Former liberal media darling and frequent CNN guest Michael Avenatti was recently held in a "rat-infested" jail cell for a 10-day stretch and “and was able to shower only twice in about two weeks,” according to the Washington Post. 
The media has cried “wolf” many times about a whole string of natural disasters that never materialized and epidemics that fizzled out. When I first heard about the coronavirus, I thought this was another of those occasions. But the whole point of the Boy Who Cried Wolf fable is that eventually the wolf actually shows […]
U.S.—CNN's ratings have somehow tanked even worse than they previously had as Americans began to quarantine themselves and stopped taking commercial flights, emptying American airports and robbing the cable channel of its captive audience.While CNN is usually able to claim millions of captive viewers every day, their audience dropped to almost nothin …
Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has tested negative for coronavirus, his son Eduardo has told Fox News, contradicting earlier claims that he had tested positive. 
Clearly, liberals have zero sense of humor.
Coronavirus isn’t time for panic or excess worry, but calm awareness and preparedness. Stay tuned and, if necessary, be willing to make some changes.
China threatened in its leading propaganda oulet to impose pharmaceutical export controls that ‘plunge[] [America] into the mighty sea’ of Wuhan virus.
California, which voted on Super Tuesday, has 415 delegates at stake.
Never let a crisis go to waste........ https://secureservercdn.net/ Any questions about the agenda of gun grabbers yet?? The ordinance will be voted on soon
Former Tallahassee mayor and Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum was allegedly involved in a hotel drug “orgy” that resulted in an overdose. Law enforcement responded to the location following reports of an overdose where Gillum and two other men were intoxicated by methamphetamines and possibly other controlled substances. The news, broken by conservative pundit Candace …
President Trump announced that he plans to hold a press conference Friday afternoon to address the coronavirus crisis, as concerns over the spreading outbreak wreak havoc on the economy and American life. 
During a Friday interview on "Fox & Friends,"  Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, discussed COVID-19 and its spread in the United States. | Clips


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Joe Biden is riding high on the headlines of his “spectacular comeback.” The same pundits who gave him up for dead last month now gush over him. But his success has less to do with his qualities than those of...