
New York Times columnist Elizabeth Bruenig insists that he can win the nomination if he touts his ‘family values’ platform.


U.S.—One of the dreams of every conservative is owning libs, but a new report says that this dream has become unobtainable for many. That’s because of the vast inequality in lib ownership where an elite top 1% of conservatives own 50% of all libs.According to a report from the Center for Conservative Studies, the bottom 50% of conservatives hardly …


ASTONISHING images show a Turkish tank tearing down border fencing in a bid to let migrants into Greece, it has been claimed. Greek authorities released the night-vision footage over the weekend sh…


Despite multiple attempts by CNN host Jake Tapper to seemingly embarrass the Trump administration with their response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) during Sunday’s State of the Union, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams schooled him on the facts. Tapper even questioned if President Trump was even listening to the advice of medical professionals, only to be told the multiple doctors in the room were not being suppressed.


Nations are closing borders, stocks are plummeting and a New York Times headline reads: “The Coronavirus Has Put the World’s Economy in Survival Mode.” Both political parties have realized the cris…


U.S.—As Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is constantly in crowds, health officials are greatly concerned that he will catch the coronavirus -- which would be especially bad for him as he’s very, very old. Despite these concerns, Biden just can’t follow one of the CDC’s main recommendations to avoid catching the disease: …


Bernie Sanders does not care about America or the American People. One only needs to read about him, his political


oe Biden’s presidential campaign set its rally Saturday at the summit of the liberty memorial in the heart of Kansas City. The access road to the nation’s World War I museum passes through a rectangular park that stretches nearly a quarter-mile. The line of people hoping to attend ran the length of the road. An …


File this under unexpected.


“If the officials had disclosed information about the epidemic earlier, I think it would have been a lot better. There should be more openness and transparency.”


ð Order your shirts here: https://Teespring.com/stores/MarkDice ð Order "The Liberal Media Industrial Complex" from Amazon here: https://amzn.to/2X5oGKx or d...


Numerous black Republicans might disagree


Millions of Americans will be voting in primaries over the next three months to determine who the Democratic nominee for president will be. While some have already tried to anoint former Vice President Joe Biden as the de facto nominee, decreed by the Democratic Establishment, Senator Bernie Sanders still has plenty of delegates and plenty …


In nearly every country that has legalized assisted suicide, the pattern is the same: A small exception widens until everyone has the right to suicide.


Elizabeth Warren is out, Bernie Sanders appears to be on the ropes and Joe Biden just executed one the great political comebacks of all time. How did that happen? Because Biden met the standard he...


(Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia plans to boost oil output next month to well above 10 million barrels a day, as the kingdom responds aggressively to the collapse of its OPEC+ alliance with Russia.The world’s largest oil exporter engaged in an all-out price war on Saturday by slashing pricing for its crude


“We’ve got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.” So said a Washington state sheriff's deputy, explaining why his department needed military-grade equipment. By Selwyn Duke


There’s a moment in the new Hillary Clinton hagio-documentary on Hulu when the former presidential candidate complains that it took her an hour every day to have her hair and makeup done duri…


Thread by @ScottGottliebMD: THREAD: On #Coronavirus, we may be entering a period of accelerating cases. The country could look very different weeks. We’ll get through this, but need to take steps now to limit the scope and impact of virus. There are thin…


Before you laugh at the prospect of a Hillary Clinton comeback, consider the too-weird twists and turns of Biden’s campaign.


Iran’s regime requires a foreign enemy to distract its citizens from its failure to confront the virus last month.


The controversial gift came with a caveat that it could not be used to support LGBT advocacy in the Middle East and North Africa.


Italy’s prime minister implored the public to cooperate in the largest clampdown against the coronavirus in the Western world. “We are the new Wuhan,” said one Milan resident.


The Democratic National Committee (DNC), aided by CNN, appears to be changing the rules for the next Democratic presidential nominee debate again. This time, apparently, so former vice president Joe Biden can sit down. The most pertinent part of a POLITICO article about the Sanders and Biden camps clashing over the debate rules states: The […]