"Biden’s banking votes have stuck with him because their effects have stuck with us."
Hunter Biden Paid Undisclosed Amount As Consultant While Joe Biden Supported Legislation Backed By Credit Card Industry
Biden and Elizabeth Warren have been fighting each other since the 2005 bankruptcy bill.
The presidential candidate bragged about graduating in the top half of his class at law school. He was 76th in a class of 85.
Joe Biden’s 2020 policy adviser was also his right-hand man on cutting Social Security in the Obama administration.
There was much angry barking directed at Bernie Sanders during the most recent Democratic presidential debate. But the Bernie Bros shouldn't worry, because it still looks like their guy is on his way...
"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle," Biden said.
FORT MADISON, Iowa (AP) — Pete Buttigieg says he “would not have wanted to see” his son serving on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company while he was leading anti-corruption efforts in...
With a school desegregation lawsuit roiling Delaware in the 1970s, Mr. Biden led an effort in the Senate to end court-ordered busing.
Abortion is one example of a larger problem for Mr. Biden: his inability to escape parts of a nearly 50-year record.
Joe Biden, the only 2020 Democratic front-runner to oppose federal legalization of marijuana, said more study is needed on risks of using the drug.
For decades, he promoted the War on Drugs. Now, experts say Biden’s laws ended up worsening the opioid epidemic in the very places he says he can win in 2020.
"I did not intentionally move to mislead anybody. And I didn't. To this day I didn't."
Former Vice President Joe Biden would agree to disavow alleged racist statements from supporter of his campaign South Carolina state Senator Dick Harpootlian during Friday's Democratic debate, telling his fellow candidate Tom Steyer that he believes Harpootlian is "sorry for what he said."
“I am not racially motivated in any of this,” Harpootlian said. “I will not be silenced by those who use race as a shield from criticism. ... This is an effort to shield themselves by saying this is racist.”
Since the early 1970s, Joe Biden has been a serial liar when it comes to his "work" in the Civil Rights Movement. It's the equivalent of stolen valor and is fundamentally disqualifying.
He now plays down his role overhauling crime laws with segregationist senators in the ’80s and ’90s. That portrayal today is at odds with his actions and rhetoric back then.
Video of Joe Biden praising "one of my closest friends," notorious segregationist and Republican politician Strom Thurmond. Biden begins his remarks by descr...
Just say no to racist sloppy Joe. He's the guy who created the 1994 Crime Bill against black Americans!
Here's the national 1989 speech Sen. Joe Biden gave where he attacked President Bush 41 for being soft on crime and drugs, and demanded more prosecutions and...

Biden on the 1994 Crime Bill

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Former Vice President Joe Biden defended his support decades ago for a controversial crime bill, saying, "There’s another part of my long record that’s being grossly misrepresented: the 1994 crime bill." We'll go through Biden's points about what was in the bill and what he supported or opposed.
The former vice president appeared on ABC's The View with an apology for "mistakes across the board" during Anita Hill's 1991 testimony about sexual harassment but insisted he had treated her well.
Joe Biden helped give America the language that is still used to oppose school integration today, legislative and education history experts say.
Joe Biden’s presidential campaign launch is putting a new spotlight on the former vice president’s handling of Anita Hill’s 1991 Senate testimony about alleged sexual harassment from then-Supreme Court nominee Clare
Eight women have accused Biden of behaving inappropriately. He's also been criticized for his comments about young girls on the campaign trail.