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https://twitter.com/MarkDice/status/1232493999774003200?s=20 Wait, I thought one of the primary concerns with immigration and minority communities was the influx of drug distribution... So, he wants to help those communities by... legalizing their drug distribution methodology. Hmm. What could possibly


Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh claimed this week that the Democratic Party and Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.-I), a 2020 White House hopeful, pose a “greater threat” to the U.S.


As the Democratic Party primary field lurches to the left on a number of policy issues, it is being reflected among Democratic voters -- with three in four Democrats saying they would back a socialist for president, according to a new poll released this month.


Did you know that Latvia and Montenegro are better places to raise your kids than the United States? Also Bosnia and Saudi Arabia. It must be true. It’s what the experts say. A new report by a join…


Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders stood by his defense of Fidel Castro's communist regime, stating bluntly: "The truth is the truth." He took the opportunity at the CNN townhall stage to praise another murderous dictator by the same logic. "And you know what? That Hitler fella over in Germany had a reall


A new Morning Call/Muhlenberg College polls shows President Donald Trump doing better in Pennsylvania against potential Democratic opponents than he did in a similar poll three months earlier, with only Bernie Sanders maintaining a slight lead over the president in hypothetical matchups.


The annual conservative gathering, held just outside the Washington Beltway, will feature speeches from President Trump and a host of conservative figures, all to “make the case against socialism,” CPAC hosts said.


'This conduct is completely unacceptable'


The Trump campaign has filed a libel lawsuit against what it called the "extremely biased" New York Times, saying the paper's March 27, 2019 op-ed titled “The Real Trump-Russia Quid Pro Quo" amounted to a knowingly false smear intended to "improperly influence the presidential election in November 2020."


Henry Kissinger's famous line on the Iran/Iraq war was that it's a shame they can't both lose. In Tuesday night's primary debate they somehow contrived for everyone to lose, including both the Democrat Party and the media. It reached its peak of


Bernie Sanders, poised to take over the Democratic Party and destroy it, is the spawn of decades of Democrats’ class warfare rhetoric.


The campaign against disposable bags and other products is harming the planet and the public.


A few weeks ago, I devoted my column to an article about me published in Newsweek under the headline “Conservative Radio Host Ridicules Anne Frank.” As the full context of my comments i…


Last June Reddit quarantined the LARGEST Pro-Trump forum online today — just as election season begins. Reddit refused to allow clever memes and pro-Trump discussion! Not on their platform! It was too damaging to Democrats. ‘The Donald’ Reddit page tweeted this out at the time. The_Donald quarantined on the eve of the Democrat Debates


History defines who we are as a nation, love it, hate it, but learn from it. Liberals have no reason


A new study claims that progressives' Green New Deal (GND) would impose around $75,000 in average annual costs for households in key battleground states -- raising questions as to how climate politics will impact voter sentiment going into the 2020 elections.


TikTok is one of the hottest social media platforms but the CEO of Reddit had some harsh words for the popular app, calling it "fundamentally parasitic" at an event Wednesday. The comments from Reddit CEO and co-founder Steve Huffman were some of the more controversial offered up during


The communications director to former President Barack Obama has called on South Carolina TV stations to stop The Committee To Defend The President, a pro-Trump super pac, from airing an ad that Obama fears will confuse voters into thinking he has denounced his own former vice president, Joe Biden. According to an op-ed published in […]


As the deadly virus spreads across the globe, Washington descends into petty bickering and name-calling. No wonder we don’t trust our elites.

Best Birthday Gifts for 11-year-old girl in 2020 that she'll love
Submitted 5 years ago by Anna Jackson • gifts birthdaygifts giftideasclub
Choose from the best birthday gifts for an 11-year-old girl that are going to put a wide smile on her face. Each gift is of great value to the little girl.


"Moderates" Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar have joined Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in skipping the pro-Israel AIPAC conference.


Education Secretary Betsy DeVos slammed socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a critic of school choice, this week over the representative’s hypocrisy after it was revealed that she got her goddaughter into a charter school. “This area’s like a lot of where my family is from,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a Facebook Live video in 2017, before […]


.02/27/2020 6:52:49AM EST.
