
During an interview with Anderson Cooper on '60 Minutes' far-left socialist Senator and 2020 Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders praised Cuban dictator Fidel ...


PORTLAND, OR—Local man Trevor J. Gavyn pleaded with his conservative coworker to "believe the science on climate change," though he himself does not believe the science on the number of genders there are, the fact that unborn babies are fully human, and that socialism has failed every time it has been tried."It's just like, the science …


A St. Louis woman feels like the judicial system failed her, after she said her teenage neighbor attacked her and walked away free.


The following article, Bloomberg Mocked Father & Son Who Died of Opioid Overdoses in 2019: “Bad Family”, was first published on Big League Politics. Michael Bloomberg spoke of two men who died of opioid overdoses in mocking terms, stating the men were from a “bad family.” The remarks were made at the Bermuda Executive Forum, an event for connected business executives in March of 2019. Bloomberg was speaking about the nationwide opioid crisis, bringing up a story from the New York Daily News. Joseph and Carlos Andrade, father and son, both died of heroin overdoses after a party in Brooklyn. Watch his remarks here:http://bigleaguepolitics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/BloombergOpioidVideo.mp4 “Daily News had a picture on the front page of a father and a son — they both OD'd at the same party. I mean, it's not a good family — craziness.” Bloomberg's dismissive tone was bad enough. But some among the financial class present at the event to hear Bloomberg speak openly laughed at the former New York mayor's description of the men as being from a “bad family.” Hundreds of thousands of Americans of all geographic and ethnic varieties have lost their lives in the ongoing opioid crisis. They deserve compassion, not for an authoritarian oligarch to cast off their deaths as the consequence of them being from “bad families.” As Bloomberg's dismal record and history of outright insults to populations of Americans ranging from farmers to machinists is revealed, it's becoming increasingly difficult for the megabillionaire Democratic candidate to deny that he's anything more than the most blatant of coastal elitists. In revealing fashion, Bloomberg went on to frame the opioid crisis as a concern for the economy and business interests, as opposed to a great human tragedy that's ravaged communities and families across the country. “We're losing control, and it's the workforce that suffers.” Cold. Continue reading: Bloomberg Mocked Father & Son Who Died of Opioid Overdoses in 2019: “Bad Family” ...


Tom Steyer is being accused, once again, of buying support -- this time, among African Americans in South Carolina.


Subway crimes spiked this January compared to the same month last year — and the number of robberies more than doubled, police said Monday. There were 261 major felonies recorded in the subwa…


Over the weekend, when Democratic (Socialist) frontrunner Bernie Sanders was asked how much all of his ambitious plans would cost if they were implemented, he gave the worst possible answer. Simply put, he didn't know: Anderson Cooper: Do you know how all-- how much though? I mean, do you have a ...


'Oh COME ON! I know Pete thinks he's the next Obama but this is ridiculous'


After taking a beating on social media as activists called for his resignation or firing, MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews apologized on Monday for comparing Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) Nevada caucus victory to the Nazi invasion of France. “As I watched the one-sided results of Saturday’s Democratic caucus in Nevada, I reached for a historic analogy […]


Is that her go-to in any argument? Stay Classy, San Diego.


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President Trump sounded off Tuesday on liberal Supreme Court justices, on CNN's coverage of his administration, on disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein's former allies and more at a lively press conference held at the close of his whirlwind first official visit to India.


The president ratcheted up a fight with a judicial system he sees as biased against him.


“France has neither winter nor summer nor morals,” observed Mark Twain. “Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country.” The sage of Hannibal, Missouri, was right on both points. France’s temperate climate, moderated by the Gulf Stream, lacks the...


He’s defended virtually every Communist tyrant he’s ever been asked about over the past 50 years.


The president tweeted that those blaming Russia for Bernie Sanders' caucus win in Nevada should get "Bob Mueller & the 13 Angry Democrats" on the case.


You have to read the letter to believe it.


A moralist gets a taste of his own medicine.


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) came under heavy criticism from Democrats on Monday after he suggested in a new interview that it was “unfair to simply say everything is bad” under the late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro’s rule.


The pro-Israel lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) issued a blistering statement Sunday night slamming Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont for claiming the organization gives a platform for “bigotry.”


VOLKMARSEN, Germany — A German man plowed his car into a carnival parade in the western town of Volkmarsen on Monday, injuring 30 people, police said.
It ...


One has more billions; the other has lots more common sense.


Donald Trump reacted to the economic fears surrounding the coronavirus on Monday, leading to a stock market drop of over 1,000 points.


Democrats on a legislative budget committee on Monday morning voted a controversial plan to cap carbon pollution out of committee. As expected, Senate Republicans announced they would boycott the Capitol to halt the bill.


In December, Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s administration hit back at a similar announcement from Goldman Sachs.